Shop Dust Collection System Recs?

Hey Guys,
After years of bursting at the seams and my wife complainig about all my “new” tools taking up the garage, I am finally making the investment in renting a light-industrial shop space!
I have never used a dust-collection system, but with a “real” shop (I’m picturing Norm’s New Yankee Workshop =) ) I need to look into a good dust collection system. The shop will mostly be for storage of tools and materials, etc. since my “productive” hours are spent on the jobsite, but I would like to set up my big table saw, thickness planer, jointer, chop saw, etc. for shop work and doing some hobby woodworking. So, bottom line, I’m really running a small operation, and not a full production crew of cabnetmakers, etc.
Any suggestions on a good dust collection system for this type of application?
This about covers it...
Check out this issue over in KNOTS - it is a frequently discussed topic. FYI - The Billpenz site is most informative.
Because I'm a cheap B-----d, I use a half face respirator with screw on cartriages. I don't even get the urge to sneeze and I'm very carefull to make sure the mask is air tight and filters are working. I grind, sand and cut like mad till the air is thick with dust, then I wait till it clears and start again.
Can anyone tell me what harm I'm doing by using this cheap method?
At my age, I have enough trouble seeing what I am doing without all that dust in the air. I would suspect that it isn't doing the equipment any good either.
Yeah, you got to clean up and the shop. Ever worked with that sawdust on a hot sweaty day? There are some fire issues also with fine particular matter suspended in air.