Finishing up my basement remodel. I’ve installed 2” XPS directly on the concrete walls and then framed directly against.
im wondering if I should put any insulation in the framing. The temp already feels much better than when it was insulated. I do plan on putting some rock wool in the ceiling joists to help with some sound proofing, just not sure if I should waste the money to also do the framing.
I would put the rock wool in the framing.
2 inches of XPS is marginal, R value wise, and not quite the value required by code in most places.
But before you do, make sure the rim joists are also insulated, and sealed.
You can look for sealing opportunities by turning on the dryer on air fluff, and turn on any bathroom or kitchen vents, and then feel for air leaks.
Also, remember to provide blocking as required to delay spread of a fire.
Excellent thanks for the input! I have insulated and sealed the rim joists but haven’t checked for leaks.
I’ve also done my best in fire blocking above the rigid foam.