Side-by-side front loading washer & dryer – how much side-to-side clearance
I’m considering remodeling a laundry room that has wall-to-wall width of 60″. Most front loaders are a standard 27″ wide. So they’ll “fit” no problem, but how well will that set-up work? I have plenty of depth to squat / work in front of the machines (that is, while actually using them, loading them and what not) but will I wish the doors could open further to the side? It looks like fully-opened doors on front loaders end up going to a 36″ width or so (though maybe that varies?). I might be able to move a wall to get another 3″ for the horizontal width, if it’s worth it.
(I know stacking is an option, but that’s a little too efficiency for me.)
Thank you!
You should be fine with 60 inches. You can convert the door on the dryer to either hand. You can put them together so the doors are "biparting".
Check out JohnsonHardware for their bifold hdwr that opens up out of the way-unlike the traditional bifold opening.