my sink stinks. BAD. pulled one side apart, it was pretty gunked up with soap residue (?). and really stunk. a year or so later, it’s bad again.
is there a good way to clean this by water jet or something that would really work? that I can do myself easily and cheaply. i’d rather buy than rent.
anybody seen one of these???
Never seen or used but the problem is common. I pulled my
zinc last summer and washed the thing out. It is beginning
again now.
Id may well drop the 25 balloons and see if it works. 25 bucks
isnt the end of the world. I will say it is only in the bathroom
I have the problem.
Youse guys aren't confusing the sink with the toilet, are you?PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
A maintenance procedure told to me by an old plumber:
At least monthly, pour a large pot of boiling water down the drain before you go to bed, after the sink is used for the last time that day, followed by a quart +/-bleach/water mixture which is allowed to sit overnight.
The large amount of boiling water keeps the scunge buildup at bay and the bleach assures there is no bacterial stink.
yep, read about the boiling water trick online. but also not to do it if you have the plastic drain and trap as the heat will melt/embrittle the plastic.I did baking soda and hot water last night, it is better today.but i think i'll drop the 25 (act, 35 with rip-off shipping charge) and try that thing out.
You can make your own pretty easy. They sell adapters at most hardware stores that will convert your aereator threads to hose. I had a now defunct power painter that came with such an adapter. It also had a female hose fitting with a barb and spray area. Was doing wifes sink holding finger on the spray and one to hold hose, could not turn water off, made mess.
Cut off an old washing machine hose and insert a smaller diameter hose in it till you get one that will go in the overflow. I use a funnel to pour hot water down my overflow with some soap. You can get the enzyme cleaners that will do a good job and will help the septic rather than hurt it.
Well I tried the bleach routine and it works but
I hate to be using it in a septic system. It
isnt vitamin C, a fairly nasty chemical which
will no doubt be used less as time goes on.
PB, let the sink sit overnight. B/4 you use it the next morning, dump a 1/2 cup of baking soda into the drain. If you can remove the flip stopper all the better. Next, pour 1 cup white vinegar down the drain. Let it volcano for awhile, repeat with more vinegar and/or baking soda if it don't bubble. Run real hot water down that baby to flush out the gunk. Do this every couple months and you should be sweet smelling.
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