putting soffit and facia on new construction, whats the easiest way to transition from the horiz. eaves to the rake overhang? thanks
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My personal opinion is what they call greek returns, not a very big fan of pork chops. The greek returns are a little more work but are well worth it.
Drive around the neighborhood and see what you like. Kinda hard to describe things like that here.
I've never heard the terms MERCER88 used - they may be regional things.
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
Although maybe not the best looking, the easiest, depending on siding, is to run the siding out from the gable end of the house to cover up the end of the horizontal aluminum panning. This is simply done by running 2x material from the building side to the horizontal facia. Cover with plywood if necessary for siding nailing. This framing is covered on the face by the gable end siding and on the underside by the facia panning. Some people run the horizontal panning over this framing, others bend aluminum around this framing. Another option is to install the aluminum panning on the soffit at the same angle as the gables. Then no framing is needed, simply a 45% connection of gable panning to horizontal panning. Another option that is not much more work and looks better is to run framing material from the horizontal panning wall to the gable end. Again 2x material maybe covered by plywood. This is simply covered by aluminum of the proper width. Install aluminum over the framing, over the end of the gable that is now framed "flat" and then run the gable facia to the end. Harder to write than do.
Boss hog its not a regional thing it is in tauntons book "Graphic Guide to Frame Construction pg 141 or ask Andy.
That doesn't mean its not a regional thing. I've used just about every term to descive these transitions. How about return and birdbox?Tom
Also forgot to mention that using "drywall screws" makes this framing much easier than pounding nails or nail gun. Also lets you fit and adjust, unscrew and adjust etc.... Used screws on a gable end recently, did the first with screws to fit and adjust, did the second with nail gun as confidence grew.
"Greek" returns = cornice returns.T. Jeffery Clarke
Quidvis Recte Factum Quamvis Humile Praeclarum
I have found cutting your rafter tails sq is the easiest method
This allows you to run your facia sq up the rake
Note by doing this all your flat cornice work will be at the pitch of the roof
You may need to address the venting needs for your area
This method eliminates all need for doglegs or any type of roof return
and will save alot of time on a cut up roof
steeper pitch roofs are harder to work the soffit but it can be done