I was checking out some questions/answers and ran across someone mentioning a speed frame tool. What is it??? How can I find one???
If anyone knows, I sure would appreciate your input. Thanks!
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Do you mean a "speed square"?
If so, you can get them almost anywhere they sell tools. I think that Swanson (the people who invented the thing) have a copyright on the name "speed square", but they come in a various knock-off brands. I think even Sears sells one.
Ed. Williams
*I think you are reffering to the plastic "stud pacer" that spaces them every 16" o..??? Butts up against one stud already nailed to the sill then a blotted end holds the stud to be attached at 16"o.c........If this is what you refer to.... try tool crib or any other catalog think they run around 10bucks....have used one before and think it "MAY" be good for pneumatic nailing, but not for hand nailing.
*I think you're looking for a matt cutter. It's used to cut matts that you can mount over a picture. You can get the cutters an arts and crafts store.It'll speed up your picture framing big time.
*It actually helps one compose picture shots much faster and when used in conjunction with a dijital camera and a skyhook, it can take the place of a two million dollar blimp....near the far side of the stream,aj
*That is a tool made by Paslode,it is one hell of a product, it is a 20degree framing nailer.I purchased it from Orco co.Their website is http://www.Orco.com.It is similiar to their F350.I live out in California and that nailer is Great!!
*Mr. Nums,You must be talking about the Hitachi knock-off Paslode is pushing. It's an imitator, go with the originator, Hitachi NR83A...the longest lasting, hardest working, must durable gun on the jobsite! Wait a minute...that's a Chevy add...Hey! I've got a couple of those too! The Paslode rep. in my area concedes: "you might as well use that Paslode for a boat anchor". I know, I know, Made In USA!I've had "one of those days".The Machine
*Tim...No kiddin now...It's a triangular square...Home Depot sells them...Ask to see one and you'll understand my hyperboles...near the stream,aj
I was checking out some questions/answers and ran across someone mentioning a speed frame tool. What is it??? How can I find one???
If anyone knows, I sure would appreciate your input. Thanks!