Dear Experts,
To make a long story short, an eifs contractor did not protect the windows on my new house. Now the baked on enamel frames are spotted with base coat and finish (concrete). I caught him attempting to remove it with acid and a pocket knife which resulted in scratches and gooey paint and no paint!
He’s done an overall good job and I don’t want this to turn into a huge insurance claim with his insurance. I would rather figure out how to remove the concrete without removing the paint.
Any great ideas?
Thanks so much.
http://www.kuhlman-corp.com . This is the company I would ask about your problem. They've been in the concrete business for a long time. If you cant get any action asking on their site, email me and I'll get a phone no. to you. Best of luck.
*Another thing to try is SiliKroil from Kano Laboratories, 1000 S. Thompson Lane, Nashville, TN. It's a penetrating oil originally designed for loosening rusted parts, but it also breaks the bond between concrete and metal. Take care not to get any where you don't want to break the bond. It's oily, and you'll have to wash the surfaces with soap and water afterwards, but it should be OK on most paints. Test first.-- J.S.
*Thank you so much. I can't wait to contact both companies and see if these products may work. It will be so great if this solves the problem instead of replacing all these windows.Linda
*i think you are being nice about not wanting an insurance claim, but if the eifs guy has already gotten some paint to come off the windows, the window waranty may be voided already. i would contact the window manufacturer for advice on removal and warranty.
*KCYou asked about getting "concrete" off, but you said that it eifs. I unstand that is an acrylic system. I would check with the manufacture of that product.If it is "concrete" you said that acid and a knife was tried. What kind of acid and what strength? I woudl try it much more diluted and even try WHITE VINEGAR. The winegar will work much slower. And get some scrappers or putty knife. You can get the pocket knife to the right angle and it is guaranteed to just cut in.However, in any case you will probably want to to touch up the window paint.
Dear Experts,
To make a long story short, an eifs contractor did not protect the windows on my new house. Now the baked on enamel frames are spotted with base coat and finish (concrete). I caught him attempting to remove it with acid and a pocket knife which resulted in scratches and gooey paint and no paint!
He's done an overall good job and I don't want this to turn into a huge insurance claim with his insurance. I would rather figure out how to remove the concrete without removing the paint.
Any great ideas?
Thanks so much.