Hello All,
Been awhile, hope everyone is having a good summer. I need to get around to laying stone around my two 4″ x4″ steel columns on my front porch. My limestone is around 4″ deep, various heights and lengths. I’ll having me some nice base pieces cut smooth on all side to start laying the stone on this .I’m planning on a 2″ air space between the stone and each side of the steel post. I’ll go up about six fet and then I’ll cap with some thinner smooth cut pieces. Then the last two feet will be finished out with some redwood.
My question I have for my trusty advisors is, should I put some kind of mechanical wick or vent at the bottom? And do you think it is neccesary to tie off or anchor the post to the stones periodically as I go up?
Yes, weeping holes at the bottom and brick ties to the 4 x 4 columns.
weeping holes yes, ties aren't necessary since your building a 4 sided column, the four interlocked corners will make it bomb proof, ps .. I assume these posts support a roof??? .. if so weeping holes would hardly ever be needed, but ...