Looking for suggestions for product and/or technique to strip paint off of a copper canopy (folded seams) over a 12′ bow window. Last painted about 6-7 years ago and is now badly faded, checked, cracked etc.
I tried a waterbased product called “ZipStrip” with little success. Seems slow and spotty and requires substantial amount of elbow grease with a small wire brush.
I thought of heat but am afraid of buckling the copper, (or burning the house down).
My next shot is a solvent base stripper, or any suggestions that may surface in the forum.
Since it is badly faded, checked, cracked , some dilute ferric chloride (circuit board etchant) will take it right off - does this by going in the cracks and removing the Cu oxide under the paint.
You will be left with bright pink copper. Dont use too much, 'cause when it finishes with the oxide, it goes for the copper.