I am looking for some suggestions for materials.
I am a studio artist wanting to create a home studio in my spare bedroom. I hang canvases and heavy panels on the wall to paint and use wet very watered down acrylic paint or thick oil paint. Because I work in a variety of sizes, I will be moving this around quite a bit. I would like to protect the drywall I have in there from so many new holes as well as paint being layered on.
Is there something that I could install over the drywall that would be sturdy enough to hold a heavy canvas and withstand multiple punctures? Open to other suggestions as well!
Thank you
garage wall storage systems are sold to hang stuff on the wall.
Another option is to install wood lath at horizontal intervals to let you hang whatever you like. screw them into the wall studs. any boards you choose should work, and provide sturdy support for your artful targets.
Could you use two easels made for large artwork, that are connected to each other with some wood planks in lieu of using a wall in the studio? With locking casters on the easels you could move the setup around as needed so the artwork could be viewed in varying light conditions from windows and lights. Just a thought...
Otherwise, UncleMike42 makes an excellent suggestion on using lath or furring strips to make horizontal supports for your artwork, and you could use French cleats added to the horizontal supports and artwork to hang your artwork while you're creating your next masterpiece.
Maybe consider a picture hanging rail and hardware: https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=picture%20hanging%20rail&rs=typed&term_meta%5B%5D=picture%7Ctyped&term_meta%5B%5D=hanging%7Ctyped&term_meta%5B%5D=rail%7Ctyped