It’s amazing the number of things people can disagree about when two contractors talk about the same one project. Here’s the latest: Long, steep, curved driveway. Heavy broom finish on concrete. Would you run the broom strokes the length of the driveway or the width? The direction of driving or opposite the direction of driving?
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across the fall line....
normal to the run of the drive.. better traction.. less scour....
another option is to give it a little pitch to run the water OFF the drive in a sheeting action..say 10 deg. diagonal...
you can do this with built-in swales also.. to drop the waqter off where YOU want it.. rather than letting it seek it's own course...
*Thanks Mike. I just posted another topic about water runoff with details on width, pitch, length, etc.Glad you said to brush it normal to the run of the drive, because that's what my contractor wants. The idjit I share this drive with has brushed his part the long way. I watched their crew work. They brushed it the way you or I might brush dirt off the drive. Even I know that's dorky. My contractors hook a brush to their bullfloat pole and use a single, even pull for perfect parallel lines.I'm pulling my hair out be/c my contractor's only doing the top half of the shared drive. The other guy did the part beyond that up to his house, and will do the bottom half to the road. (That way we separated costs rather than shared costs.) We're hoping he'll see it done right and ego will force him to emulate. I can dream, can't I?Thanks again. Jim
*I agree with Mike.Billy
*You do it the shortest direction. it is pretty hard to hold a broom with a 40 foot handle standing in the middle of wet concrete without doing damage, so you do it from the side with a ten foot handle. If you ask a crew here to do it long way they laugh at you then load up the tools and leave. Common sense here, the handles are not light.
It's amazing the number of things people can disagree about when two contractors talk about the same one project. Here's the latest: Long, steep, curved driveway. Heavy broom finish on concrete. Would you run the broom strokes the length of the driveway or the width? The direction of driving or opposite the direction of driving?