Have a job coming up at a school. I have to take the steel windows out in the attached picture and frame in a wall with smaller windows.
I did some like this on a long summer day when school wasn’t in session.
Short days, possibility of bad weather, kids in school.
Does anyone have a good method of tarping off an enclosure to do this?
I really can’t attach to the building. The red band over the top is an asbestos board.
Do you have any scaffolding?
If not build a quick frame out of lumber.
Yes, I have access to some scaffolding. Good Idea. Thanks.
You're framing in a wall anyway...
Skin the rough frame with the tarp.
I said rough frame. If you don't have time to put in the real frame, then just frame the four edges before you give it up for the day.
Roll the edges of the tarp in plaster lath and screw all the way through.
Do all along the top. Then pull it tight at the bottom and do the lath roll and screw job, again. Then do the sides, one at a time.
What little water is able to get in during an entire weekend of storm, will be of little consequence.
I think I can pull the windows and get framed through plywood in one day. I was wondering about alternate plan B. Good idea to keep some lath and tarp on hand.
We've done the same kind of thing with tarps, using 1 x 3's as well.