Hi all,
I am buying a house where there is some termite damage on at least one side’s sill with live termites. The basement is unfinished but has a old pastered ceiling which comes down over the sill to meet the top of the foundation. We had the plaster removed on one side in following a couple of visable tubes which led to discovering the damage.
My question is would you think it is wise to request that ALL of the paster over the sill all the way around the basement be removed before buying. We did find evidence of termites at the bottom of the foundation on all 4 walls – maybe 1 or 2 small tubes only going up a foot or so – but nothing near the top. Common sense tells me that there could defintely be more damage since the visible indications were so minute compared to the extent of the damage we did find, but my inspector only asked them to open where there were visible signs and anything connected to that damage.
Thanks very much for any advice and let me know if I can provide any more helpful info. My inspector has left me in a bind by going on vacation without anyone to answer these questions.
I'm no entomologist but if you have already found critters in the house you MAY buy, then you should without a doubt explore the rest of the structure to the Nth degree. The sellers are now, in most states, obligated to disclose the critter problem to any other buyer. Therefore, they should be willing to go along with further inspection and you may well be able to have them pay for it.
I almost bought an 1850 house some years ago until we did the inspection. This was a post and beam structure with a main carrying timber the length of the basement. Poking with a screwdriver revealed LARGE pockets of air where critters had eaten away the wood of the timber. Not good. After reflection, we offered to buy the house after a $20K reduction in the price to make up for the extra work to fix the problem. The seller refused and we went elsewhere. A few days later he called back to agree to our reduced offer (his lawyer and realtor talked some sense into him). We had already found another house though.
Know what you are buying. If the seller is not cooperative, move on.
J Painter
I certainly do not have much termite experience, but I know that if you see some damage, there is usually much more activity unseen. Also, your lender may have a very big problem with the termites as well. Check on their policies before you get in too deep.
in a past life I was an exterminater..for evry one you see, there are a thousand unseen. Same with la cukarachas. And Fleas.
A certified pestcontrol operater should conduct the inspection, and no, not the kid from terminex or humphreys..(sorry if there are any of those listining)..you want the owner/operater guy. Check his certification. If he signs off on the inspection..he will stand by it for X # of years..he most likely will suggest a treatment regime..listen to him.
Almost all mortgage Co.'s that I know of will require this PCO inspection. If you are not mortgaging I would still have the inspection. MY log home is 175+ yrs. old, believe me, I knew I had termites..and still bought it..anyone that wanted this place would have had to pay cash..no bank would touch it.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
Thanks for the responses... I'm having trouble figuring out who these people are. When I talk to the Pest Control companies they say they pretty much stay out of the structural side of things. Perhaps I am not asking the right questions. I know we are having a whole house chemical treatment, I need someone to evaluate what areas need to be opened up to reveal structural damage that needs to be repaired. I'm not sure if I should be talking to more home inspectors, perhaps finding ones that have special experience with termites. Are the people you're referring to from the companies that do the chemical treatment or a separate discipline?
If anyone has any companies or people from the greater Boston area a reference would be much appreciated.
exposure is not needed for treatment, I treated many homes from outside only.
What you will need is someone to do the dirty demo work, after ya buy it, and then repair what that demo reveals.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
Ok, so you're near Boston. That helps. I'm fairly certain you only have subterranean termites there.
What kind of foundation? Block? Poured concrete? Block? Terra cotta?
How old is the house?
At this point you need to talk to (i) treatment guys for the options available/required; (ii) either a home inspector or a structural guy for the structural analysis.
Personally. I'd start with an HI (of course, I'm an HI, so take that into account when considering this advice) to make the call whether further structural analysis is needed. (If it is, the plaster has got to come down.
I recommend going with an ASHI inspector, myself, I think that gives the highest indication of competence (but even that's not too high - but its the best indicator in my opinion.)
If you're tempted to use an HI with the first name of "Dennis" please email me his full name. There is one guy in Boston I recommend against
Concrete foundation - house is about 30 years old.
We've decided to have them open up the basement ceiling perimeter to expose the entire sill and the ends of all the joists and beams. Any damage will be followed as far up the walls as we need to go. All of the damaged wood will be replaced and the house will have a whole perimeter treatment inside and out with a lifetime guarantee with annual exams.
I am posting this as a new thread also, but I'm looking for advice as to when you would require a structural member be replaced vs. when it can be "sistered" or otherwise shored up.
Termites are nasty little buggers. Don't buy until you have had a full inspection done by a professional pest control person. It really is unpleasant to open a floor and find part of the sill completely eaten away.
Sounds like this house has a damp problem if the termites have eaten this much and have trails in many places. Termites need very damp wood to eat. So Unless the price drops a lot walk away. You have to have a fully exposed inspection!!
Yes. And if it's in Louisiana ..fuggedaboudit. Them are the worst.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
When I lived in Philladelphia I worked on a house in lower Merion. "I would like a hardwood floor for my office" said the new home owner. Took a look and told her the floor looks a little soft in places, tough to tell how bad till we start. Ended up total floor replacement, (joists, subfloor and new oak floor) where we stopped at the doorway there was still termite damage, she endedup in a big law suit with the termite treating co. , previous homeowner (only in the house 18 months). We finished up replacing all the downstairs flooring joists and all!! Thankfully it is a stone house so thers only so much wood.
Looked at another job in huntingdon valley, "Can you reattach the gutters please" I looked and saw how bad the termite damage was, had I leaned against the house I might have pushed it over! Every where you looked termite teeth marks!!
Too funny, That is the area I had my Co. in..no, no lawsuits. B&L Pest Control..sold the biz in 85? I think..Lower Bucks, Phila. Montg. ,Chester, Delaware Counties. Did a LOT of pizza joints in the Greater N.E., and Hospitals. Every Denny's, Ho-Jo's, and ton of diners..and residential.
We had about 400 regular customers a month, plus call-ins. It was a busy day for a two man oufit.
Them old Philly homes and Germantown areas had the bugs for sure..good $ there.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.