this year as we give thanks we will also be commemorating the 38th anniversary of the assasination of JFK…an american coup….
how many remember what you were doing when you heard the news ?
how many years before you figured out that a lot of lies were being put forward as truths?
how many of you still believe the Warren Report ?
anyways… let us give thanks … that we live in a country that can embrace political change without resort to violence….
Hey Mike,
Happy thanksgiving.
I was in grade primary and came home to a very hysterical staunch catholic mother on JFK day.
Lies ?
Who is Warren ?
The western world may not be perfect but I sure am glad I live here instead of there !
Thank someone for those aid workers getting out safe!
*Yeah, I remember clearly where I was, Mike. As far as the lies, I always had kind of an uneasy feeling about common beliefs, but I guess my real awakening was when I read "A People's History of the United States", by Howard Zinn for the first time. What DID the Warren Report conclude?
*I was home from school that day. Lying on our green couch recovering from the flu. I saw my from cry. I had watched my friend shake JFK's hand two weeks before when he came to our school.The Warren report was cut n paste, delete, with all the evidence they had.Watergate was the watershed when I became sentient.I give thanks every day.
*I probably was too young, but that event didn't affect me that much. It ruined television for a few days. I couldn't watch the three stooges. It still doesn't get any emotional respose. Watetgate didn't do it either.The recount.... I'm not commenting.This September 11th thing...I'm ready to go through basic training....blue
*I was in English class in 7th grade.Does anybody believe the Warren report?I started doubting the government during the war in Nam.Thanking the God of the Bible thru His Son Jesus Christ for letting me be born in America.Hey Mike....what's the little *** thingys signify at the title of your posts? just curious.
*allen.. my eyesight is so bad i can't find the posts......***is just a bookmark...hah, hah, hah,...sometimes it's less than it appears , ain't it..me .. i was sitting on the grass at boston college.. later that night..in the dorms.. listened to some of the old men.. you know.. the 21 year olds that happened to be vets....ahhh.. the wisdom of a 21 year old vet..or , hell .. a 21 year old anything..... i took the whole line, in whole cloth... until i became politically "sentient " as rich says, during watergate....the Warren report... says that Lee Oswald was the sole gunman... working alone... and that JFK & Connoly were both hit by the same bullet....more than cut & paste.. it's one lie after another.. & still the official version of what happened...the players...Arlen Spector.. now a senator... & Jerry Ford, later President..and a group of others chaired by Earl Warren, the Supreme court Chief Justice...were either duped or involved in the cover up...course.. that's just the conclusions i've come to... actually..it has all been kind of helpful.. i no longer believe everything i read... and i distrust the initial judgement of most situations..2 things i came away with:b things are seldom what they seem& even more than death & taxes.. the one sure thing isb the law of unintended consequences
*I was near graduating from college, pregnant with my first child and sitting by a radio when I heard the assasination news.....My world changed as it did for my friends of that era......Then came Robert Kennedy's death, MLK's death and cynicism set in big time......Vietnam sealed my cynicism.......People of my era don't believe that the 60's early 70's were so great.....It was a horrible time.....The only good thing to come out of it is the music!!!I never believed that Oswald was the lone gunman and have my own conspiracy theories...Read the Warren Report and didn't believe it......I now hope I have a more open mind about things political and seldom believe everything I read, also....Having discussed many things political with my BIL(a lobbyist in DC), I KNOW that things are not what they seem and it does matter who is in charge....
*Man you guys are a bunch of geezers.. i was playing on the jungle jim in the play ground in 3rd grade
*yeah but wise geezers!
*You bet I remember, Mike. I was bowling, of all things, for college credit, AFAIK, the first time they had wimp sports for Phys Ed credit.Never believed the Warren Report, and have been skeptical since I could differentiate between acting and "reality," the line between which has probably always been tenuous.I have always been grateful to have been born and raised in America, but Canada or the UK or Australia or Sweden or who knows might have been just as good. At the same time, I've always been critical of govt waste, some domestic/foreign policies, etc.
*Hey, who you callin an old gezzer? That era shaped my thoughts(some would point out,not so well)......I became an anti-war activist, a feminist(and proud of it)...I watched my mother raise 7 children(I'm the youngest) with no choices whatsoever as to what she could do or who she could really be.....I am still anti-war(not rabid).....I still believe in peace and that is probably why I am in the education profession....Those were hard times, Ron and I still listen to Dylan!!!
*Yea , used to listen to dylan also
*Mike - I was in third grade. The principal came on and told us what had happened and asked for a moment of silence. I think a lot of innocence died that day.I still remember being about John-John's age and seeing him on TV at the eternal flame. I didn't think much about it until I was in college and the Zapruder film was being taken apart frame-by-frame. Meetings on campus, etc. Nothing much ever came of it, though.Didn't think much about it again until a lot later when I had a chance to meet Jackie. THAT brought it all back again. It was hard to imagine that she had been through all that and survived.Jeff
*i Didn't think much about it again until a lot later when I had a chance to meet Jackie. THAT brought it all back again. It was hard to imagine that she had been through all that and survived.You met her? How wonderful! I am jealous.
*Pi,You said two things I totally agree with: Amen, Sister! I agree that you are anti-war and probably not rabid. Have you asked your doctor? I, also, am anti-war and not rabid as far as I can tell. But I still know a grim determination to make certain that the last two months are never repeated.Prace-a beautiful goal.Tom
*Funny thing, about the 60's. For the first time a hell of a lot of people stood up and said "hell no, we won't go." - to the war, and to a lot of other conventions of the time like segregation, government housing, male dominated society, FBI files on every Tom, Dick and Harry...change was in the air, serious change.In retrospect, the revolutionaries of the day had the establishment on the ropes. It was a time that could have led to radical change. Then we let them off the hook somehow. For some reason we all started to embrace capitalism and conservative thoughts like our parents before us. It seems like we somehow missed our chance.
*I was born 3 months befor Nixon resigned. So, JFK is just history to me, as is Vietnam. Earliest memories of global/political events are crying when the hostages were freed, and wanting to be a Secret Service agent when Reagan was shot. Only things I can remember exactly where/when I was upon notification are space shuttle Challenger and my father's death. And of course, 9/11 - the only one in the list to equate to the implications of JFK.I don't put a lot of stock in onspiracy theories, especially for JFK. Conspiracies' biggest downfall are by definition - they need conspirators. IF (big if) there were a conspiracy, too many people would have had to be involved. Even if they kept the secret, I think the most likely time to "give it up" would be a deathbed confession. Given that the men of that era would have begun the deathbed stage now, and we've never heard anything of the type, I don't buy it.For me, the lack of evidence is overwhelmingly against conspiracies. They make nice bedtime stories though.That said, Mike, I agree with you on at least one thing.i anyways... let us give thanks ... that we live in a country that can embrace political change without resort to violence....
*mr pita, ..kids
*"things are seldom what they seem".Ain't that the truth...I posted this pic of what really went down a few years back. Here it is again for all you fng's.I'm too young to have any direct memories of JFK. When I was in my young teens I read the Warren Report. What a piece of work that was.
*Jim, I agree.....I sometimes wonder what happened to all of those who fought for right.....This is what worries me now about some of the new and proposed laws that will give authorities way too much latitude......We did miss our chance but some of us are still out there.....Carole
*Well, at least you're in one of the best professions for stimulating change, Pi. I'm just tryin' to get my kids off to a healthy start and get deeper into my craft. Fight the good fight, girl, a lot of us are counting on you.
*It was amazing, although it was about a year before she died and she didn't look too well. You picture her in designer gowns, glamorous and elegant, but when she went out 'incognito' she wore wide wale corduroy pants, a turtleneck and sunglasses. Very soft spoken and very nice in person, with a very gentle handshake. It was hard to believe it was the same person who tried to jump off the back of the car in Dallas so many years before ...Jeff
*It all went downhill after that. Don't quite know why JFK and Jackie could not be tainted, even when history told us that Camelot was less than perfect. I was part of the downfall of the 60's and 70's and had a damn good time doing it, but now I live to regret that we have lost more than we gained in some ways.Warren report magic bullet. A lot of words for so little reality. Hell, I saw TWA flight 800 go down, and I know that it didn't explode in the air. I believe very little anymore, and I'm not sure whether that's a good thing either.We need another Jackie Kennedy. We don't need another Angelina Jolie. We need another Beethoven. We don't need another Alice Cooper. We need to reach higher, not lower. I have no idea why this musing is heading in the direction it is, but I'm depressing myself.SHG
*I just finished reading "The Kennedy Men"....Sure explains a lot about why the Kennedy dynasty came to fruition.....Ol' Joe groomed his sons right from the start.....Anyway, Jackie went into that marriage with her eyes wide open, knowing full well what she was letting herself in for.....For all of the criticism she received staying married(rumors of a big payoff from Joseph Sr.), she brought dignity to the White House....You're right Camelot was not perfect(Camelot was Jackie's idea), but he prompted hope.....I wish I had hope now......I was thinking about the JFK assasination....Maybe it is so burned into our hearts because we saw it happen.....
*Lyndon B. Johnson was a ruthless ruthless man.
*Alice Cooper....Awesome talent...I bet yaa wish yaa had his green SHG!!!I suppose we all need to conform to a certain standard you have in mind...Bullshit.Now for Mikes Conspiracy hysteria...Poop. Things that go wrong...make us stronger as a nation...The Kennedy Bros...were well liked by most of us...To Turkey day....May yaa all enjoy...To tolerance...to diversity...Yaa...we need a Mike Smitty....a SHG...even a Fusco and Martel...To enrich the planet...manure is mighty valuable for raisin the next crop.near the stream layin it on thick,.
*aj... earth to aj...the question was .. what were you doing ?.. when you heard abvout the bullets flying in the coup ?and.. do you believe the Warren Report ?simple questions.. simple answers..
*Well Mike,I'll tell ya----I'm a little pissed. Here I have this little "thing" going for Pi in the back of my mind and Now I find out she is old enough to be my mother.You've ruined it for me man,ruined it.I am 39,so I am pretty sure I was pooping in a diaper when JFK was shot. I remember a few years later getting up in the middle of the night to watch the astronauts land on the moon----but that really had no effect on me.For me, the world changed at the Munich olympics.I remember those tv images vividly.
*Uh, not quite, Stephen, not quite..........Sorry to burst your bubble...Son was born in '64, I was just pregnant in '63.......I remember the night!
*Stephen, how can she bein the back of your mind, when she's in the back of my mind? Pi, have you got a split personality? No pooping in my diapers at age 10.....blue
*I was in Uncle Sam's Army in Green River,Utah, at an off range launch site for testing ICBM reentry systems. Walking across a parking lot when our medic came out of his trailer and said JFK had been killed. To spike whacky rumors, I asked him for the exact words he heard on TV - shot, or killed. He said shot. I said then death is still a rumor. Let's go listen for a while. Yeh, a while - less than 30 minutes.Still believe the Warren report conclusions - but not some of data in it. All of the conclusions about the single bullet are very plausible - for a fully jacketed military bullet, which Oswald used. No rational info has come out to truly substantiate the conspiracy theories. The worst part of the data that makes the Warren report be questioned is the set of autopsy notes by Col Pierre Fink (sp?), the Army pathologist member of the team. His sketches don't match the narrative. But, when he made them, he did not realize that years later people would scrutinize them like they did. The sketches were just that, sketches to refresh memory and give relative locations. There was unfortunately too much political pressure on the autopsy team because JFK was a Kennedy, President, and a desire to spare the family trauma. Sorry, gang, when you are the President, things SHOULD be cold, clinical, thorough and absolutely detailed. Historical data is at stake. I'll bet a cyber beer that were any of us to be found dead of a gunshot wound in the head that we would get a better documented autopsy than JFK got.I spent my entire adult life defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I violently disagree with a lot of you, but I put my worthless body on the line for your right to think as you do and to say it publicly without repercussion. I was once publicly compared to the Nazi war criminals tried at Nurnberg; I had to defend that man's right to say that against an unruly crowd. I would do nothing in my life differently, except not eat what gave me salmonella back in 1977. This place isn't perfect, but it's one H... of a lot better than whatever is second! I'm not a violent person, but screw with my country as an outsider, and I will break everything you own before I kill you.Don Reinhard, unabashed believer in the Good Old USA.
*>Alice Cooper....Awesome talent...Yeah, right AJ. I'm sure there will be statues of him 200 years from now. You libertine, you. You're right, nobody has to conform to my way of thinking. And I would have called myself an AH 20 years ago for having said it. But things change and sad as it is to me in many ways, I have regrets for what was lost in the years since JFK. But hey, that's just my view. No stream near me, if you know what I mean.SHG
*just started reading robert mccnamara's "In Retrospect"....this is going to be good..reminds me of when the dialogue used to be between "hawks & doves" it was not between republican's & democrats..or conservatives and liberals.. that is because in terms of national policy...all of these labels are too constricting.. eg: i consider myself a hawk.. with liberal social values and a conservative in tems of economic policy.. and a democrat who was the local campaign manager for our republican governor...anyways.. McNamara was only 44 when he became Sec. Def. and jfk was only 45 when he became pres....lots of the discussion is about the unmanageability of the administration.. in times of both war and peace....here's to you jfk... & rfk.. with all your flaws.. you were still enough to inspire a generation...
*Happy Thanksgiving......Mike, it is good.....I read it and have a whole different bent on McNamara.....I was angry with him for years!! Let us know how you accept his explanations.....
this year as we give thanks we will also be commemorating the 38th anniversary of the assasination of JFK...an american coup....
how many remember what you were doing when you heard the news ?
how many years before you figured out that a lot of lies were being put forward as truths?
how many of you still believe the Warren Report ?
anyways... let us give thanks ... that we live in a country that can embrace political change without resort to violence....