I could’nt understand it. It is as if other powers were involved here. I am a man of reason and tangibles. Don’t get me wrong!. I believe in a higher power. I believe in forces that are out of my control,..the intangibles. Maybe it is a practical joke my wife or kids are pulling on me. No,..no one else was here. It has to be some sorta voodoo thing. I mean,..5 lost pencils in less than a half hour! There could be no earthly explanation. Perhaps I am losing my mind. Maybe I keep reliving losing the same pencil over and over.When I blow out the garage with my leaf blower, hoping there will be a sane answer. Nothing. 5 pencils in less than a half. That is by the way…a personal record. Maybe they are hanging out with the missing socks my wife is always complaining about.
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Look behind your ears.
*CutI feel the same force, I lost single socks...lots of single socks...what can I do with a single sock...I can make only so many puppets.. help me please...Im scared
*Simply amazing................Have you really looked everywhere for your missing pencils??
*Dear Cut,No, no, no. This was explained on Star Trek long ago.In a parallel universe, some guy named Adoowatuc is posting a message that runs like this:I could’nt understand it. It is as if other powers were involved here. I am a man of reason and tangibles. In a flash, 5 pencils. Right here. This is as crazy as all the socks my wife keeps finding and having to throw out b/c the drawers are too full.Happy to clear up this matter for you, Fred
*Was my Dad anywhere near the job site? If so.....ask for the pencils back. He'll insist he doesn't have them...then say....yer pockets, Dad...check yer pockets.....he'll fake a few times...so keep insisting.....he'll finally come up with them......and they'll have been lost in his pockets the whole time! Same goes for your tape.....drill bits.....phillips tip...etc....Jeff
*Mongo,You got five ears?Do you still not listen to your wife?JwHeck,We need your talent here for a visual on this one.My lastest money making invention is pencils and tape measures with beepers in them.Cutawooda, Let us Know where you find them.Inquiring minds need to know!Mr T
*Hey, Cut. When did that happen? Was it on Groundhog Day?????
*My money is on the wife and kids.Reminds me of the movie and play "Gaslight""He convinces her that she is always losing things,that she sees things that are not there, that she is unstable and untrustworthy. Every night he leaves to play the piano in an apartment he has rented, and while he is gone the gaslights flicker and she hears mysterious noises from the attic. Gregory persuades her that these are just her delusions."http://www.moviemom.com/review.cfm?ReviewID=244http://www.lacollege.edu/wildcat/01-10-26/cast.htmlI think that they are trying to get control of the millions in your trust fund.
*I understand the situation completely. I start every day w/ 5 or 6 pencils at close hand so I can keep working.Same thing w/ chalk boxes and coping saws. I lose them, buy new ones, the old one turns up. When all the coping saws are present I have 5. Chalk boxes about the same. Go buy some wood, they'll give you some pencils, boom, up turn the old ones.
*hey cutta- i gotta a little story i'm gonna relay to you. about 6 years ago my father passed away suddenly, as you would imagine it was more than alittle stressfull. now this is where i'll tell you i'm very practical, "i'll belive when i see it".,kind of guy. so i'll move on ,so just short of 2 weeks later i'm back at work.and the passed is flooding in . i'm down on the floor back planing a piece of base to fit a 110 yr. old house. now my father had excellent work habit's, and would constantly tell me about to get a good work surface and keeping it clean ,organized, and any time wasted with the up and down. is well worth it. and above all " keep that damn thing sharp". so back to the story i'm planing away in this large den/family room and every time i put the plane down to fit, glue ,scribe, nail. the plane would move to some wierd , obscure place. i'm not saying it levitated, and started buzzing around the room doing barrel rolls. but suttle nuance's. i'm a southpaw, and i remember the "old man " always commenting on that. with a little light- hearted disdane. the thing would end up on the right or behind me. after about 2 hours of that , i started to get a little unsettled. at why the hell i cant as i usually do place the plane 1foot to my left , on it's side,on the piece of carpet, with the glue , gun. so after that, took off the nail bags. put them on the carpet, and broke for lunch, and a run to the lumber yard. got back and fitted,glued, nailed it. and moved to next pre-cut and fitted piece base, sized it up, scribed, and guess what no plane, looked to my left no plane, looked to my right no plane, and the same thing behind me ,did a 360 or was that a 720, the plane is M.I.A. a few choice words.put the base down. and walked through arch-way to the grand room where the horse's/ work area was set up. and guess what there the plane on it side. i sat down and stared at it for about 15 minutes, i never realized how much i'll miss that pain in the ass. so i'm probably branded as a flake, or a crackpot. i've only told my lady about this, and i 'm glad about that. but i'll swear to end-of -my-days someone else was there with me, ya know just for that last bit of advice cheers
*5 in a half hour? You lost 5 pencils in a HALF HOUR?Rookie.I lose at least 7 or 8 in that time frame. Day in, day out. I have cats. I blame it on those cats. I keep telling myself they learned how to draw, and need those pencils worse than I do. Just keep an ample supply handy.James DuHamel
*I read somewhere sometime to grab a handfl of fresh pencil and run them through the bandsaw. The you'll have twice as many.....problem is that they fit inyour hand right and the pencil lead is now exposed....you thinks i did somthing wrong?
*Pencils I can keep. Nailsets? Gone in 60 seconds.
*Sock problem I solved years ago. I buy those cushion sole work socks(white with black/white sole) I buy 10 pair at a time, and when I lose one I never know it, they are all the same, no rights and lefts.
*I don't lose nail sets every 60 seconds, but that is the tool I seem to lose. Some of them for good, apparently.I misplace the pencils alot, but they usually turn up.Rich Beckman
*"Mongo, You got five ears?"Nope...jess two. But who's to say cutwood doesn't share certain physical characteristics with Prince Charles or Alfred E. Neuman?
*Square drive bits too.
*Take any two, where them as apair. If some one comments on them not matching look at them curiosly and say " I have another pair just like this at home"
*kipcarp,A great story. thanks.
*It's the wife. My wiffie runs off with my pens almost as soon as I take a new one out. Worse than that, In public, she'll ask me to loan her one. What can I do? Be rude and refuse my dearest in front of other humans? So I give it to her. Does it ever make it back into my hand after she writes the check? No Way! Does she still have it ten minutes later? Not a bet! And she's not even blonde!
*Piffin --Years ago I had the same problem with a woman and putty knives. We may have had half a dozen on a job, and long before lunch I couldn't find a one of them. Problem was that she was 6'-5 1/2" and I'm only 5'-9", so she'd put them down in places that she could see, but I couldn't. ;-)-- J.S.
*Look on top of the refrigerator. That's where all my tools disappear to, when I'm hot and thirsty.
*Jesus, you guy are worried about pencil. I set down drills, hammers, chisels, etc..Was working for an apt. complex and parked my truck. Took a tool box full of the basics and proceded to walk around tha complex repairing. End of day, couldn't remember where i left the damn truck.Drove a friends S-10 p/u into a 30yd roll-off once. He couldn't find his truck either.
*This wouldn't be one of those repressed transferance problems would it? Losing your pencil...Hmmm. What could it mean.