Looking for a good pex crimper that gets into tight spaces. I do mostly remodels so pex is my friend. Checked the web there’s a bunch of stuff out there, I need some opinions, the address of a good plumbing forum would be nice too.
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I cut the handles off to make them shorter. Quest is the brand i use.
Wet Head Warrior, our local plumbing guru is currently out, but he said he will be off-loading a bunch of his tools before he moves to a different state, you might want to try to find him a week or so, he probably knows what you need, and may have it up for sale
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals built the Titanic.
Check out these crimpers. They have an offset head.
I've seen some two piece crimpers on Ebay. They go around the fitting and bolts go through to squeeze the two pieces together.
I think the guy selling them is the manufacturer.
Joe H
The Wirsbo expansion stuff gives you a number of seconds from expansion tool removal to having the pex/ring on the fitting...not sure if it will work for you or not.