i need some professional help, but first i need some input on how to tile a shower stall ceiling. do i use the 13 inch tile and brace them after setting them or i also thought about a mosiac with broken pieces. It goes without saying i want them to stay put but lack the experience to know the best techniques………..HELP
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Once they're stuck, they stay stuck. The trick is holding them up for a day. Cut a bunch of braces. 1x2 or whatever is handy. Just a bit shorter than the floor/ceiling distance. Set the tile, put a brace under it and put a shim in the middle to make it snug. Sometimes the mortar itself will hold, but a brace is safer.
I almost never require a brace. Mix the thinset a tad thick. The suction of the thinset and the tile will hold it in place.
I have a couple other suggestions: (1) Tile on the 45; it makes layout easier and mistakes less noticeable; and (2)Use a larger format tile, instead of 4x4 or mosiacs, instead use a minimum 6x or 8x tile. I would hate to tile a ceiling in mosiacs. Ugh!!!
"Sir, I may be drunk, but you're crazy, and I'll be sober tomorrow" -- WC Fields, "Its a Gift" 1934
thanks i appreciate all the help i can get.
XRAY guy
Start with the ceiling before you do wall work.
Screw 2x4's to the two adjacent walls approx. 3 5/8" below the finished tile ceiling.
Cut 2x4's the length of the ceiling for each row of tile.
Thinset one row on the ceiling.....wedge the loose cut 2x4 ontop of the screwed 2x4's and under the thinsetted ceiling tile.
Remove the wedged 2x4's in the morning...unscrew the wall 2x4's...tile the walls....grout....wait 24 hours......get naked....take a shower with confidence and a woman...lol
Geezzzz....maybe I'm too tired to explain it coherantly...sorry.
Be beat
My life is my practice!
thanks to all.
I guess you are tired ,cause you fergot to tile the wall before gettin nekid.
Hey. If'n he wants to tile naked, that's his perogative. As long as he's not in my house. But he did say tile the walls first. You just saw the word naked and got all flustered!! <G>
Just read it too fast ,missed the wall part . Sorry .