Enjoyed “New Life for Old Double Hung Windows” in Jan 08 FH. Sadly lack of exposure to or experience with old school building fenestration lead me to believe restoration was a dying art.
Green tip from a builder last mentioned in Nov. 93 as the growly superintendent on a multi style victorian restoration into a non-profit, ADA compliant office park.
In most cases we restored single pane double sash with double pane assemblies. If the sash was still sound we simply removed the decades old putty and points and routed out a deeper seat and set the doulbe pane assembly in with wood stops and a pin nailer. If the sash was missing or rotted we replaced it much like JM Davis describes, using a sash vendor in Arcadia, CA as well as well as a window contractor in Oakland, CA.
In addition to the source given by the author we had good luck using cast lead ingots, with a hole in the center for the sash cord, made in 1/2, 1, 2, and 5 lbs increments. Again a local vendor supplied these. By weighing the sash, splitting the aqdditional weight on top of the knot holding the cast iron counter weight, instant thermal gain.
Use a glazing vendor that offers a no hassle 5 yr warranty on double glazed window assseblies, their are even a few left that will perform this part of the job including wood stops.
Handle lead with safety, gloves, masks etc. But I believe that held in suspension, tucked in a sash pockets, is a safe alternative.
This change is all but undetectable to most viewers, and looks so much better than the window replacements most folks get talked into when seeking thermal gain.
Rick Mori
Shady Cove, OR
I don't disagree with you in principle, but what was the cost per window?
That would likely be the biggest consideration for most people. I would bet that the price would be close to new replacements, maybe higher if the windows were, say, 6 over 6.
Another consideration is that the old window sash are going to need repainting sooner or later.
BTW, I think this subject was on the board a few weeks ago. You might want to do a search for it.
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New Construction - Rentals
Dear Don;
Apologies for getting back so late. Cost spread over 11 Victorians was in line due to no units with multi-liites. It was single lite over single light. Also these Victorians were in the Federal Register, so the exteriors had to conform with their requirements while the interiors had to be code compliant. We renovated all eleven for just over 6 million, including landscaping and ADA compliant ramps mostly out of the view of the public. If your ever at 12th and MLK Dr. in Oakland, CA check them out
RSM Builders
Thought I had responded a bit ago. Found out otherwise when it opened tonight.
Glad it all worked out for you. DH windows are a pain in the butt. I need to redo "a few" at our place. If things keep going the way they are now, I'll never get to it and they'll be covered with plastic next year!
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New Construction - Rentals