The advantages of spraying an exterior are obvious but they come with a huge draw back over spray. I have been painting for seven years and have worked for several companies and have recently started my own small company. I am considering spraying a home for a client of mine, the only problem is the setback between the homes is 10 – 12 feet and is right on the water with a semi constant breeze! I was told by some painters that if I get smaller tips and pay attention to the wind (whatever that means), I should be fine. This would be big for me but I am going to pass on it if I can not spray with confidence. Also their is an older stuck up couple that already gave me flak about cleaning my clients deck because they were worried about their brand new paint job getting “chemical cleaners” on their house I used bleach with a pressure washer but that’s beside the point how could I calm the neighbors nerves about spraying with that kind of setback?
When if ever is spraying a lived in interior ever practical?