Transition between wood floor and tile
Nearly finished putting down some 3/4″ Brazilian cherry pre-finished wood I got from Home Depot. Bought a Bostich MIIIFS off of Craig’s List, and used that to put down staples. The gun worked great. Not a single misfire in the whole floor – except once when I forgot to turn on the air compressor after lunch 🙂
I’m now trying to figure out how to transition from the wood floor to a tile floor. The floors are the same height, and I left a small bit of a gap between the two floors. I’ve thought about filling it in with caulk, or filling it in with grout.
Caulk appeals to me, because it’d be easy to put in, and would allow for some expansion and contraction between the two surfaces. They have gray caulk, which would closely resemble our grout – although it’s not perfect. However, caulk is not super hard – of course – and tends to be a magnet for dirt.
Grout would probably look the best, but I’m real nervous about trying to grout the space between a tile floor and a wood floor. Floating it in and then trying to wash it off doesn’t seem like such a good idea with a wood floor. I also worry about the grout cracking over time – if the floor expands and contracts.
Any thoughts?
At one house they had done just that. Grouted to the wood floor.
About 6 month later I was replacing a lot of the grout with MATCHING CAULK.
You can caulk that is color matched to many grouts and sanded so that it has the same texture.
There are also transistions.
Here are some. However, AFAK, they all need to be put down while tiling.
You could also make one by milling a strip of the floor (and you would have to finish it). But that typically takes more space than you left.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
There is sanded caulk? Is this something that they sell at typical home stores? Is it a pre-mix or something you mix up?
Yes, they sell it at the home horror stores. Look back in the tile section right by the grout.But you will have a larger selection of colors at tile specialty shops.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Yes there is. Maipei (spelling) makes great sanded and unsanded caulks. My tile supply house carries the whole line.
grout. leave it just shy of the surface and then cover with clear silicone.
wood movement and house settling tend to crack that transition if it were just grouted.
good luck.
I have this in a couple places. I used a color-matched sanded caulk, and it worked just fine.