I need to replace about 3200 Square Feet of SYP deck plating that failed after only ten years, despite being sealed and cleaned yearly. The alternative deck materials intrigue me. Any thoughts on the two I mentioned? The ipe is a beautiful wood but I am concerned about the installation (pre-drilling every hole) and getting back into the maintenance rut. Any thoughts on the debate?
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I just installed some Trex decking. Looks great. A friend of mine installed some a couple of years ago and his looks really good. Big downside I see is, it is spendy. Here in Boise Idaho, a 5/4 by 5 1/2 inch board 16 feet long is $25. This stuff is rather heavy, and it is NOT structural. Support on 16 inch centers is best. It cuts easily with regular tools. I did a 105 sq ft area and intend to do at least another 600 sq ft of it. They now have trim boards, 1x4, and 2x8 stuff.
*Paul, I've seen a sample of Pau Lope, and it's been installed in some mighty bigname places... do a search for sources in your area. For a look at one supplier go to: http://www.alt-wood.com
*I just used some wood nicknamed "Brazilian cherry" at $1.48 per 5/4x6 linear foot...Beautiful nonrotting wood ar hard as teak or harder.Near the stream,j
I'm an Ipe fan. I've built two decks or about 500 sf. Sure, predrilling is more labor, but I considered it when I built, and my labor was/is free, or maybe, because we have such a severe labor shortage problem in this area, and all good subs are taken by the large developers, I'm just too stubborn to pay my hard earned money to someone whose only qualification is that they sometimes breathe. But enough ranting. As for maintenance, I've heard that Ipe will last about 50 years with no maintenance. I do a wash and then Penofin about every 18 months. The Penofin seems to build up over the years, not so much on the surface, but internally so the wood doesn't seem to "loose it" as fast. Cost for Ipe in the MI area is $1.20 lf for a 1 x 4 (1998, same as in 1993). Most visitors just rave about the deck when they see it. It does look like fine furniture.
*I've been considering alternative deck materials also. What is Ipe? Haven't heard of it. What about the TimberTech system? It looks a lot more apealing than the Trex decks I've seen.Don
*Ipe is Pau Lope or Brazilian Walnut. It is a very dense, very tight grained wood, and to me, appears to contain the same waxy stuff that is in teak, but doesn't seem to chew up tools like teak does because it isn't gritty like teak. I've heard it will last 50 years without any maintenance. When new, it's a brownish color, but ages to a light tan if left untouched. It is extremely hard and heavy. Only 3/4" thick passes code for a decking material. It took my son and I together to get a 14' 2 x 6 up to a one floor up deck. I use Penofin to finish it, and am pleased with the results (looks) and minimal maintenance.
*A few weeks ago I posted a message about TREX, now in the archives. Yesterday I talked with a friend who installed his deck shortly after I did. Same problem - very bad midew staining which does not "stay away" after factory recommended treatment.
*I'm sure that Pau lope is an extraordinarily beautiful and durable deck material, but I have to wonder: what are we doing to the forests of Brazil by using it?
Hi Andrew,
I finished a 12' x 17'(yep, 17' boards!) Ipe deck on Friday.
Ackerson-Dickson of Ware Shoals, SC says that it is sustainably harvested.
I don't have third-party certification.
No knots, almost all very straight lumber.
About half the boards had some surface cracking, like wind checking or being kiln-dried to quickly.
Sherwin-Williams finish reccomended by Consumers Reports filled cracks well.
Simpson Deck Board Ties made for a deck with no visible fasteners.
Looks pretty good, customer is happy and time will tell how long it really lasts.
Frame is P.T. Pine.
Good health, Weogo
*Why are y'all gatting ipe so much cheaper? I was priced something like $5/sf and said forget it.They do make a sustainably-harvested claim. Did you know it won't burn and won't float? (I have a piece right here on my desk.)Lots of stuff here and on the Web about it, e.g.: http://www.pau-lope.com/ Definitely the flavor of the year. Too good to be true?
I need to replace about 3200 Square Feet of SYP deck plating that failed after only ten years, despite being sealed and cleaned yearly. The alternative deck materials intrigue me. Any thoughts on the two I mentioned? The ipe is a beautiful wood but I am concerned about the installation (pre-drilling every hole) and getting back into the maintenance rut. Any thoughts on the debate?