How should I do this? My current roof is a standard 3 tab shingle. The new addition will be covered with a Gaf Elk archy type shingles. I am going to buy enough to do the entire roof but am only going to do the addition part of the roof at this time. I know it will look ugly for a few weeks with the two different types and colors of shingles but I need to get it dried in so I can do the wall sheathing and siding.
How should I start my layout? From which end,where the current shingles are and felt begins? This is a hip roof, if you look at the pic with the shingles and felt paper the hip is to the right. Since I have added trim to the fascia the drip edge sticks out further than before so I can’t line up the new shingles with the old.
Here is the way I was going to do. Please tell me if I’m doing it wrong.
1. Where the current shingles end and felt begins I was going to make sure my starter course shingles extended past my drip edge by 3/4″ and make a mark at the top of that shingle.
2. I was going to go down to where the last full starter course shingle would be (hip), make sure it extended past my drip edge by 3/4″ and make a mark at the top of that shingle.
3. Snap a chalk line between those 2 marks and follow this line with the starter course. This should take care of any snake in my fascia. I hope.
4. Start with a full shingle and then subtract the correct amount for the stagger. Start laying them down.
What am I missing?
Didja use enough cap nails there, Butch?
Run a strip of felt or other underlayment vertically, lapping the old shingles by a foot or so (or covering where you've already got it lapped horizontally).
Go ahead and roof the addition getting as close to the old shingles as possible with the longest courses in your stagger, racking away from them. When the pattern repeats, do the same thing. Then when you tear the old off, you can just continue the courses across the existing. View Image
I had to. High winds!!! Thanks for the idea.