They’re building a $500,000 lake “cabin” down the road from us, and while checking out the building site last weekend (what are nosy neighbors for?) we noticed that the Tyvek housewrap is wrapped around the 2×6 studs and that the wall sheathing is being nailed to the outside of the Tyvek. In another words, from the outside in, it goes siding, sheathing, Tyvek, studs, interior wall. We figure it’s a new building technique, but we always have seen Tyvek on the outside of the sheathing. Our question to all you experts out there, is……….what gives? Is this better, worse, or all things equal? And why? By the way, this cabin is in NW Wisconsin.
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ann... sounds like someone is playing with a new theory... and it don't sound good..
what is the siding ?
as a matter of fact.. this sounds DUMB.
b but hey, whadda i no ?
ps... this sounds REAL dumb.
did i mention that this sounds about as dumb as anything i ever heard of .....
*Hey, Mike. Ya can't have it both ways! Is it Dumb or Real DumbBob
*bob.. it's dumb and dumber... i'm hoping someone can tell me why i'm the real dummy cause i can't see the sense of this..ann.. ann... ann.. yur killin me with suspense.. what is the siding to be ?does it get better ?maybe they're gonna spray it with foam now ...is there an architect.. ?tell us more .. this is good...i mean dumb...
*Mike,Local, throw em up developer has been doing as ann describes and covers the sheeting with vinyl. Have not stopped to ask why but thought like ann. One thing, driving by at 55, something looks different. No writing for one thing. Maybe odd colored white too. If I see the framers around, I'll stop the next time unless someone else has an idea to the answer.
*Someone probably told him that if you put nails through the tyvek it would leak. This way the wrap is protected by the sheathing.
*I've seen that done around here by a few crews. I think they are doing it for one of two reasons: if they are technically motivated, they are shielding the tyvek from the uv rays of the sun.or... they are using the sheathing to hold the paper on without having to nail it. Basically, the sheathing is the Tyvek fastener.I've got a nasty neighbor. He had a house built and they used that technique. I gleefully watched him put 15# felt over the osb. I'm thinking...moisture trap?!!!bluePs. I intend to let him know, after drywall!
*so blue..what do you think they're trying to accomplish ?are we sure this is Tyvek or the like ? or is it some new radiant barrier ? or what
*Mike...ya toad...they are just trying to keep the tyvek from touching the siding and being damaged...Not that I see it as right or wrong...near the stream,aj
*Mike I'm pretty sure it's a speed technique. They tack the tyvek in six places, then sheath over it. It eliminates the need to put thirty or forty orange caps in it.It definitely is tyvek. They think its only a wind barrier and don't understand it's moisture resistance properties.blue
*Not here, AJ. It's vinyl siding by homeownner.blue
*Ann,Whatever the motivation, I agree with Mike that it is very dumb. The vinyl siding can allow wind-driven rain to enter, and in normal circumstances the tyvek blocks it from running into more absorbent, damageable material, like sheathing. Also, in a damp environment, this could promote a moisture trap between the siding and the sheathing or between the sheathing and the tyvek; either way it's bad news.I think it's just as easy to install tyvek over sheathing as on studs; doesn't seem like a real timesaver in any case, and one missed staple could pop a good hole in the housewrap, then go get some tape--more time wasted than saved.But, who knows, maybe they are on the "cutting edge" we always hear about!
*Ann:To expand on what MD said, one of the purposes of house wrap is to prevent the sheathing from continually being exposed to liquid moisture. It's called a "rain screen". Before house wrap, builder's felt (tar paper) was used (and still is) for this purpose.
*Kind of like wearing your underwear on the outside of your jeans.
*Or on the inside of your skin?
*Well, I've been told that when using vinyl siding, all the nails should hit the studs, that "shiners" are to be avoided. But I noticed that after the Tyvek goes up you have no idea where the studs are exactly, so this is just about impossible to do. And all those siding nails are punchin' holes in the Tyvek, which can't be a good thing. So I guess a good way to avoid those problems, is to put the Tyvek on the inside. :)Actually, I used it as an "air stop" and to shed water that gets past the vinyl siding.
*Crusty:You are correct. The vinyl siding should be nailed to the studs - per several sets of manufacturers instructions that I have read. In reality this does not always happen when the sheathing is solid (OSB or plywood). Maybe even, usually doesn't happen. Tyvek brand house wrap comes with stud markings preprinted on it - I think they put the markings on 8" centers. The idea is to align the markings with the studs when applying the house wrap - which can be done. Only problem is that often the guy who puts up the house wrap isn't the one doing the siding, so doesn't give 2 hoots about aligning the marks. Some other brands come with these markings too. Another way is to go back, find the studs and mark em on the house wrap with a perm magic marker and a level. You have the same issue with houses wraped in felt. I think often vinyl guys feel that since there is little weight in the material, it's not so essential, like with wood or fiber cement siding, that the nails hit the studs. For brick veneers, brick ties i must be nailed to the studs. Most vinyl siding guys will nail into the studs if they are marked in some way. You statement about the housewrap getting all full of holes from the siding install is a concern. This is where 15/30 # felt has an advantage as it seals somewhat around nail penetrations.
*Matt,1) I didn't expect that my framer would care too much about the Tyvek "stud marks" being aligned properly.2) I didn't expect that my siding guy would be too concerned about hitting the studs (looked at a lot of jobs, and no one else was either). I was correct on both counts so we used 1/2" 4-ply sheathing all over. They used nice, long nails for the siding, so now the cellulose has something to cling to!But I have about the flattest, straightest walls I've ever seen, and the best siding job I've ever seen. So I guess I can't be too upset.
They're building a $500,000 lake "cabin" down the road from us, and while checking out the building site last weekend (what are nosy neighbors for?) we noticed that the Tyvek housewrap is wrapped around the 2x6 studs and that the wall sheathing is being nailed to the outside of the Tyvek. In another words, from the outside in, it goes siding, sheathing, Tyvek, studs, interior wall. We figure it's a new building technique, but we always have seen Tyvek on the outside of the sheathing. Our question to all you experts out there, is..........what gives? Is this better, worse, or all things equal? And why? By the way, this cabin is in NW Wisconsin.