Does anyone have any opinions about installing VG Fir decking over framing members on a covered front porch in a dry climate such as Salt Lake City?
If the deck is to be clear coated, what benefit are there to backsealing the T&G flooring?
Will doing this really prolong the lifespan of the deck?
Is it acceptable to just apply a penetrating sealer and maintain the deck for a long life?
Any imput would be appreciated
Read this first and try the search too. It'll save me a lot of writing.
The first place for rot in the T&G milling is in the groove. Moisture gets locked in there and can't dry as fast. T&G will start to rot thirty percent faster than square edge, IMO. It is normally only used for porches with roof over and not open decks for that reason. It is common here to paint such a surface with grey deck paint also but I wouyld definitely hit the backs and grooves (All sides) before laying it.