I am looking for information on wall jacks for lifting reidential walls. We currently use a jack that climbs a 2 x 4 but I would like to find one that is a little safer and uses a cable and winch if this is available. if any one has info onthis type of jack you comments are appreciated.
They are called Proctor wall jacks
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There's also a brand called Tranzporter.
Regarding Proctor Wall Jacks, any suggestions where they can be purchased
I don't know where Pif gets his Proctors, but my Tranzporters came from Black Bear Ladder in Maine. I am in NY and they shipped quickly via motor freight.
Almost identical, I like the T because of its square tubular design, as opposed to the P with its round pipe tube.
I just asked my guy at the lumberyard if he could get them for me. A pair, delivered was about seven hundred bucks
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Proctors come in different range lengths
if you work with standard 8' - 9' walls you get their regular
taller walls require a longer proctor
Proctors are one of those things every one should have from day -ONE..
they never wear out and they save a lot of backsMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
Agassiz?...as in B.C. town?...
"If 'tis to be,'twil be done by me."