When you’re tiling a bathroom, do you prefer tiling the floor first or the walls?
Is this just a preference thing where it doesn’t really matter or is one way correct and not the other? The bathroom is approximately 12X7 and does have a tub and shower along with the usual features. My opinion is tile the floor first and wall tiles sit on top so in the event of water spillage on the floor it will be stopped by the wall tiles where as if the walls are tiled first the water can run down to the subfloor if the grout has cracked or broke over time. This I see happening if the floor is uneven or poor bedding. Thanks for the input, Dave
In commercial work we tile the walls first.
There is a lot of trafic over a tiled floor if you do it first. Chances are you screw up the floor, or part of it, while working on the walls.
I'd check the floor for level before deciding. If it's way out, then I'd do the floor first, using levelling compound. Otherwise, you'll have fits getting the wall tile level. Alternatively, if the floor's out only a bit, do the walls first and then the floors. That way, the full tile at the base will hide minor wows and dips.
Of course, if you're using a flared base tile, you have to level the floor first.
"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig." Robert A. Heinlein
"Get off your dead #### and on your dying feet." Mom
unless using sanitary tile like Andy said ...
it doesn't matter.
I saw that because ... U can lay out and measure up ... and plan on trimming a hair ...
then set the walls ... and leave off the bottom row ... lay the floor ...
then cut in that missing bottom run.
That's how I do showers ...
the bottom row of the wall tiles is always the last to get set.
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Thanks for the info guys....One last question. If the floor is level, and the last row of tile is ready to go on, does it sit on top of the floor tile or does the last row sit on the subfloor and the floor tile butt up to it?
On the first topic - when laying up a fireplace and hearth, you always do the face (wall first) than the hearth). Reason is simple - you will keep the floor clean, and if you drop something, it won't damage it. It do the same for tile with good results.
One the second point - I always put the floor tile under the wall tile. The floor is typically going to experince the greatest expansion / contraction.
wall tile always on top of floor tile.
that way ... line of sight.
you are standing ... think of how your eye will catch that intersection.
with the wall overlapping the floor ... it's a cleaner line.
also ... that makes a 90deg intersection ... I like to use grout caulk there. Regular grout will crack over time.
Jeff Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
I like the comments about the level, or not level, floor deciding what to do first.
The bottom row always goes in last.
I'd do the floor first and when it is done, cover it up with paper and tape it down to protect your fine work.
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