Normaly, I would post this sort of thing in the woodshed, but I think that it needs to be read by everyone, not just those that go to the shed…
I visited a website a bit ago, and the website tried to place a trojan on my computer.
Normaly, when you go to a website, any website, they place certain files on your computer. Cookies, temp files. Picture files that will not have to be downloaded the next time you visit, etc…
but this website tried twice, to put two files onto my computer in an area they had no right to be in, in the first place. They tried to put thier files into the windows/application data sub folder.
The website is “buttonmaker dot com.” I wrote it this way, because I do not want it to be picked up and made into a hot link by prospero.
The files they tried to put on my machine, would have been totaly unnoticed except for the Kaspersky Labs anti-virus I run.
One of the files is named 9580D115D01. The other is named 9580D115d01. Very minor difference in the names.
Both files contained the trojan… Trojan.JS.NoClose
When I closed the window for this site, I was swamped with a ton of pop-ups. Coming so fast that it was hard to keep up with them.
A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
I was using my uncles lap top when I was in chicago a few weeks ago and had the same thing happen on his computer, ton of pop ups all at once, had to shut down/restart and it would happen every so often out of no where.
By the way, you going to mention this web-site name or is it to a... personal? :)
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Edited 6/3/2003 11:30:04 PM ET by CAG
Look again. I put the website name in there. I just did it so it wouldn't become a hot link.
: )
You say it still happens every once in a while ? I'd guess that he has the trojan. A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
I don't know if it still happens, I'm guessing not otherwise he would have accused me of screwing up his computer when I talked to him tonightNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
oh I see it now, you know some idiot is going to go to that website and be pissed when their computer is screwed up.
Maybe I'll take a look at it on a campus computer heheheNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Exactly why I didn't allow it to be a link. Some people will click on anything without thinking.
If someone takes this, and makes a link out of it, and goes to the site... Even though I have warned them not to... Well, they'll get what they worked for, 'eh ? Won't be my fault.
: ) A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
Ha, you know I had to try it, lol.
Ran it unprotected, and it wasn't a big deal, just irritating, and not the worst I have seen. I cleaned the mess and ran it with Pc-cillin. It caught the lil bugger right off the bat.
JS_NOCLOSE.E isn't the end of the world, but it shows you should run some anti-virus on your comp. Out of the best three, I would only run Pc-cillin, the other two are system hogs and/or have issues.
I tried Zone Alarm, but couldn't be bothered with it. Pc-c does everything I need.
Why don't you start a thread about comp security? Most of us didn't make it to James-fest.
Oh, did you ever think of installing a hard drive dock? They cost about $15. You set your C: drive up invisible, surf away. When you need to work, you boot the comp with the second hd installed into the dock and stay offline. It gets a bit complicated, but you can ghost the c, and the d is protected. You are seriously bullet proof, the only way you can get burned is if you get a boot virus, and that would take all of a half hour to fix.
Sounds like you are the one who should start the thread on security.
It sounds to me like you know more than I do.
: )
I'm serious.
You might want to start with a more in-depth explanation of the dock. I've never heard of that. A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
E-mail me your address, and I will send you one, I have a few kicking around.
You need an extra hard drive to use with it? I have a 1 1/2 gig'r I wouldn't miss.
And no, I told you everything I know about security, I back up my stuff and surf, I don't sweat grief. Hey, I got bored and tried to get hacked, what does that tell you?
You can start a thread and deal with mom and pop, you can keep it real. I goof around too much.
I'll email you. I believe I have a 2 gigger that I can still make work. (I think. LOL) I hope I still have your correct email address.
I have a bad memory.
I can learn much faster than most people. If it is something that I am interested in, like computer security, I am even faster.
But unless I keep up on what I have learned, and make use of it on a regular basis, I tend to forget fairly quickly. I have forgotten tons more about computer security than I currently know. I basicaly work on hunches at that point. Hunches are gut feelings based on factual knowledge stored away in the sub-concious. I can't always tell you WHY you should do something in particular, but I sure as heck know that you should do it. LOL
I could probably relearn all I have forgotten, and much more, very quickly. But I have too many brands in the fire right now. I am also in a very stressful situation that I need to work on to the exclusion of anything else, until I have accomplished what I promised. So... I won't be starting a new thread for this anytime soon. When I can, I may.
You have consistantly shown better knowledge on some computer issues, than I.
I don't know everything. You don't know everything.
Neither of us has to....
: )
A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
so your a wood butcher and a computer geek?
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Your=you're, how is school going?
And I am not a wood butcher, I wreck wood!
Geek? It was an option, but I am afraid I will be a woodie to the day I die. I had to quit geek, things got too busy. Let's say geek was a hobby, but even then I was a hardware geek.
ah sh!t, I always screw that up, not because I are stupid but I type to faster then I think.
and if you must know a 3.2 last semesterNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
3.2 last semester
Ya but didnt you mention they were easy classes? :)
Yeah, he took,
"Pornography in Scandinavia"
"The complete history of toilet seats"
And "Cartoons 101"
; ) A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
I too started out to get degree in Art, changed to math and CS, big switch huh? Felt like I needed the security of the math to make sure I had a job.
In all honesty I think Neil is just staying in college so as to have an excuse to not marry that woman that hes stringing along. She'll figure it out pretty soon, they all do.
You can always go and get that degree, I've though about going back, have always had an interest in architecture, if I could only convince the wife to foot the whole bill. Broke my back after college,some similar things going on there.
I think Neil is just staying in college so as to have an excuse to not marry that woman that hes stringing along
DAMN YOU MAN If she were to read that I would be sooo screwed. And I'm not stringing her along per se, I have firm plans to pop the question right after I graduate in Dec. Well maybe a month or two after that, once I get on my feet, but buying that ring will cut deeply into my tool buying problem so.....
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Remember that you are supposed to spend two months salary on the ring so if you buy now as opposed to when your making the big money you'll save big. Just a suggestion.
Tried that line, no go....Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Two words:
Cubic Zirconia
She'll never know......Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
what in god's name are you doing up?
Thought about that one too.... not sure I could do it though, and what happens when she gets appraised for insurance, and they "ahh.. miss, we don't really have a policy for something this..... inexpensive.... :)Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
What is it wih wimmin and them little rocks anyway ?
If I understand it correctly, CZ is identical to real diamonds in every way, except that they are more perfectly formed.
What the heck is the difference, then ?
And what is the purpose served in the first place, by wearing a shiny little rock on your finger ?
It simply isn't logical for it to have all the mystique and such that surrounds it.
Ok, so it shines real purty. It can scratch glass. And to say that it is outrageously and insanely expensive for what it is... is a major understatement.
So what then ? Is it going to save someone's life ? Is it going to keep a young family from going hungry ? (Aside from selling it to buy groceries. That would be counter to the point of what is the reason for having and wearing it.) Does it make you smarter ? Will it get you into Disneyland ?
You want something shiny/purty on yer finger, get some CZ. You want to be illogical and ridiculously stupid with your money, buy a real diamond with a large amount of money that could be better spent elsewhere. Like your retirement fund.
Women that are so hung up over having a diamond, that they would either walk out on you, or make your life miserable if you don't get them one... Should take whatever money they can scrounge together... And go buy something that will help them to grow a couple more brain cells to keep the one they have, company.
A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
Really seams illogical when you understand how the whole Diamond thing started.
what really pisses me off is Diamonds are no where near as "rare" as De Beers makes them, they hoard them and only release so many in order to keep the percieved value up, and what exactly are diamonds good for???
Industrial applications
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Gentlemen.......I'm listening, and CAG, any more talk of CZs, and I might have to strike up a friendship with your fiance.
And it's three months salary.
hehehe"There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning."--???
and you wonder why men say women suck lol
Better go ahead and put in here that I'm just kidding.... :)
Oh and three months? Geeez, you're killing me here.
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Edited 6/5/2003 10:56:10 PM ET by CAG
what's their (diamonds) resale value?
ever heard of one being resold?bobl Volo Non Voleo
I was told it would not be appropriate to purchase a "used" diamond...
Like the one she gets will have been made recently anyway? Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Three month's salary ??? That's nuts.
That might be fine for some rich clown with lotsa money he inherited. But that would be a staggering amount to come up with for an average guy trying to work his way through college, or something like that. If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, why practice?
Tell your boys to start saving now, chuckle, chuckle.
No used diamonds? Bwwwwahahahaha. Marketing, like the three month thing. It's a real honor to inherit a family diamond, and have it reset as your own engagement ring. A diamond with a history is a wonderful thing!
"There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning."--???
"Tell your boys to start saving now......"
Actually, they ARE already saving, but for something MUCH more importand.
A pickup truck.The trouble with being the best man at a wedding is that you never get to prove it.
CZs all the way. Ex-wife got one and Tara did too. No convincing was necessary, they both thought the $$ for a real diamond was ridiculous, and much better spent elsewhere.
Hey, your preachin to the choir man.
Now if you can only convince the little woman.
Oh, good luck!
CAG, If she buys her own ring, like my wife did, it'll cost her about half an hours wages. Lots of savings all round-- eliminates all that sparkly eyed nonsense to go with the sparkly stone. Cheap old copper thing that leaves a blue stain. A test of her commitment too. Slainte.Website I really prefer being the obnoxious, opinionated, loud mouthed, Sgian Dubh over that wimpy RichardJ
Deadman walking. Don't go cheap on the ring unless it's her idea, even then your dead. Don't go with a CZ unless she buys it. The first time she takes her ring in for a cleaning, the jeweler will tell her it's a CZ. My sister manages an Zales store and they have to check out every stone they clean and immediatly tell the customer if it's anything other than a real diamond, liability issues. An experienced jeweler will spot a CZ before it walks in the door, don't even try it. As far as "used" diamonds go. They are everywhere. My sis takes "trade ins" everyday from some poor slob who bought too small a stone. It's very common to trade up on anniversaries. These "used" diamonds are bought for a song from the customers and re-sold to the distributors who clean them up, polish them and they are back in the store in a week. Good luck man. I am on my 4th diamond with my bride of 25 years and I do what it takes to keep her happy, it's worth it. Consider it "happiness" insurance!
Experienced, but still dangerous!
well to be honest all but spanish were pretty easy....
and luka, they offer that??? Damn I gotta get in....Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Cag.....what do you take in school (besides space)? from previous posts sounds like architecture? What school? What semester you in? Like it? Not being nosey....just thought about doing that myself. Your school got a website? Thanks!
Architecture, but not really, thats a long story, semester? lmao, I'm way past that and in the years catagorey now, will be 7 1/2 when I finish, I have a ton of hours and have changed majors 4 times, DON'T DO THAT
University of Kansas
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
Yes, you can take pornography classes here at the UW. My son took one of the classes. Now he is an expert in all things pornographic, and can say he came by it honestly. hahaha
When he starts talking about that stuff, I just tell him to shaddup, or I'll box his ears. I'm his dad, I'm allowed.
; )
I believe that I saw a cartooning class being offered, when I was an art major there.
History of terlit seats... Dunno, but I'll bet you can find an extension class on it somewhere.
I was an art major. Sculpture major, photography minor.
My gpa was 3.9 something, the last semester that I finished. Several of my art profs had taken to giving me 4.1 grades. Nothing over 4.0 counted, of course, but they did so to make a statement. No lie.
My very last semester, (The last semester of my sophmore year.), I broke my back at work, and because of many problems all at once, I simply never finished the last quarter. Never notified them, either. For the same personal reasons. I would figure that that puts my gpa somewhere below 3.0 now...
A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
I get too bored in a class room to ever get a 4.0, I hate class, I hate going, I hate listening to people ramble on about the same sht they said in the book they make you read that they, the professor, makes a profit on.
I get my grades at the end of a semester and I look at them and say damn, I know I am smart enough to get an A in a class then wonder where the motivation is lol
Your GPA is probably better then you think, if you really only have one semester left, why not go get the damn degree,? closure is a wonderful thing, why do you think I'm still in school after all these years? I don't need college for what I want to do, and I certainly will hardly if ever use the degree I am getting but it would be to big of waste of time and money to stop now. The only way my degree becomes useful is if I get my masters and definetly need a break before thatNever be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
I would have two years and a semester left, to get a degree.
But it is something that I will probably do, once I have settled very many other things in my life. It would be nice to get back into that artistic community, and re-develop my old artistic discipline.
Funny thing about the grades... I hate classes too. I never did anything that everyone else was doing. All my class projects were always put off till the last couple of days... and I always got the best grades.
I just followed my instincts and desires when doing the class projects at the last minute. I made what seemed right to me, and what I liked. I never worried whether it actualy mirrored what the project was "supposed" to be about. LOL
Oh, and the 3.8 or 3.9, whichever it was... Was in spite of the fact that I took spanish three times, and failed all three times.
: ) A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
My gpa was 3.9 something, the last semester that I finished. Several of my art profs had taken to giving me 4.1 grades. Nothing over 4.0 counted, of course, but they did so to make a statement. No lie.
somehow I find that very easy to believe!
Ctrl W will close the web pages and pop ups. If you hold down Ctrl and keep tapping the W key, you'll eventually out run the pop ups and not have to shut down.
This stuff is called SPYWARE. Go to http://WWW.DOWNLOAD.COM and search out ADAWARE. This is a simple to use privacy tool that will seek out the spyware on your PC and clean it out for you.
Its a free tool, and they have more features in the upgraded ver$ion$, but it works well.
Be sure to update the signature files before you do the scan.
thank you very much
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
you're very welcome
Planning on making some buttons???
Another day, another tool.
I wonder if the website has been hacked, and the webmaster knows nothing about it?
Might be worth an email.........
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
I seem to remember that you used a free anti-virus program but in this thread you mentioned Kerpinsky's, which when I looked it up, it was not free.
do you know of a good free anti-virus?
bobl Volo Non Voleo
The last time I checked, F-Prot for DOS was still free.
That is a _very_ good one. If kaspersky's were not available, I would go for F-Prot.
But I think I would spring for the minor fee and get the F-Prot for windows in addition to the dos version. A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
thanksbobl Volo Non Voleo