What a great deal I got at Depot!!!!!!!!

Okay – So I went to my local Home Despot to get (4) TufBoard 1x6x10 trim boards. I just needed to replace the rotten boxing around a 4×4 porch column, okay? Kind of pricey, but I have great success with the stuff.
Cellular PVC, like Azek; even rated for ground contact. I glue it with regular viscosity (gold label) PVC plumbing cement.
So they’re clearancing the stuff – either $1, $2, or $3 per board. Some are regularly as high as $29.65!
I got all they had – got some projects upcoming that will eat a lot of it.
Totaled 1650+ feet; regular price just over $2000.00; I paid –
Check your Home Depots!!
Forrest – pleased with myself
Edited 2/22/2008 12:32 pm ET by McDesign
DammSkippy you stole it!
How'd you get that slippery stuff to stay in the truck ? LOL
I wish I had a HD local..they're building one as I type, but won't be done till Fall.
BTW Lowes 1x6x8' azek last week 26.19 ea.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"Success is not spontaneous combustion, you have to set yourself on Fire"
Slippery is right! I lost a load of Tendura once at an intersection. This time I had the tailgate closed, with the 12' stuff over it. I opened it just for the braggin' picture.
Good job! Our HD carries NerverRot, not Tufboard, so there are no sales here (if ever, of anything.) I'm often mystified why a national chain carries different brands of similar products at different stores. Must be supply and demand, or regional sales.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
I'm often mystified why a national chain carries different brands of similar products at different stores.
Probably transportation costs. If they've got to ship it halfway across the country vs. 300 miles from a different company's factory, the slim margins get eaten up.http://grantlogan.net/
Today we's learnin' about rawks. They's all kinds of rawks. These [picks up rock] is rawks which you throw. These here [throws rock at Rusty] is rawks that you get hit with. E.Cuyler
Ahhh, you're probably right.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
So instead of being called a wood butcher, you can now refer to yourself as a PVC masseuse.
i'm calling the cops,that has to be illegal to take advantage of a poor little old store manager like that .
nice score,even though i'm jealous larry
if a man speaks in the forest,and there's not a woman to hear him,is he still wrong?
Nice score!
I used some Tufboard on a recent project. We use a lot of Azek and Kleer; the Tufboard seemed to have a wood flour component and was stiffer (and more brittle.) I'd still take it for less than 1/4 price!
I know where I'm going, hopefully it's availble and on sale here in Jersey.
You just earned the title of Rez jr. with that score!!!