I own an attached brick/brownstone type home in Brooklyn, New York that is over a hundred years old. The rear brick wall of the house is covered in a white material (most likely Thorocoat), which is apparently difficult to remove. Covering that is red paint (or sealant) that is flaking off. There are many areas as well where the white Thorocoat, visible underneath the red paint has come off revealing areas of brick that need repointing badly.
I have been told and read that it is optimal for bricks to breathe, and that they really should not be covered with anything, but I’ve had four different contractors look at the house and want to do different things to fix the problem. None of them recommend removing what is covering the brick- they all want to remove just what is loose and cover it entirely with new Thorocoat. Some suggest adding wire mesh for strength.
Needless to say, I’m confused, and just want to do the best thing for the house.
I’d appreciate any advice anyone may have.
sorry, what is thorocoat?
you talk about adding wire mesh, is it some type of stucco?
I might have gotten the name wrong - it's Thoroseal. Thoro makes several different products - check out their site :
It is likely that the brick is falling down or away from the structure.
Or it is possible that the building has structural problems.
Everyone before you has been smearing stuff all over it in an attempt to stabilize it or stop it from leaking.
Now others are proposing the same to you.
Find an engineer to look at it. Perhaps through the building department or another reliable source of your choice.
Good luck.
That is a rough area to hire a contractor, be careful.
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It is clear that there has been a problem in the past with moisture penetrating the brick wall. Since this is apparantly not a veneer wall, but a structural one, I would 5think that you need to repoint where needed and then re-do the Thoro, but that is a judgement call, based on seeing it, which I can't do.
interview theses guys based on their experienced with this sort of problem with penetrating questions.
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