I carefully prepped and caulked around my kitchen sink using DuPont’s best grade silicone caulk for kitchens and baths. It claimed to be mildew resistant. It ain’t.
What would be the best caulk to use when I redo this project? Is there anything that won’t get moldy?
Thank you!
I like to use GE II silicone. Maybe the dupont was mispakaged.
Have a good day
Second for GE Silicone II.
Never underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
mildew or mold?
Mold has been around for a zillon years, but now it kills!
Thanks to everyone for suggestions. LTAB, your post made me smile. I'm not afraid of dying of mold. I'm afraid of dying of embarrassment when people see the mold around my sink.
Or go to a regular tile supply and get something like Laticrete's tub and tile caulk