I just reloaded onto my older PDA, a Palm Vx, the baluster layout program I had lost.
Based on the 4″-max-between rule, it works in fractional inches.
I input the total run between, in inches and fractions, then the desired end space. The end space is the measurement off wall or newel to the first baluster, and after the last one. Finally, I enter my baluster width.
Press CALCULATE, and it returns with my spacing, and each time I hit NEXT it gives me the center dimension, cumulitively, to the center of the Nth stick. The program figures it absolutely, and then converts back to fractional inches, so that no errors accumulate. Butt your tape against the starting surface, stretch it out, then tick off at each center per the display.
Cool. Useful, if you are a regular stair guy. BTW, I didn’t write it.
Are plug-ins like this available for the CM series of calculators?
Is this a program to buy or free ware? And where is it.
From gary katz website.
That is evident. I don't own a CM, but I have used one on occasion.
I was wondering if the CM or any of its versions was programmable to yield a routine as simple as the one I have on my Palm.
Evidently the CM is not programmable, but its functionality allows you to do the baluster routine, keying in and reading results just as described at the Katz site.
Its very easy on the CM, takes seconds. Those things have ways to do everything probably three different ways.
Get out you CM and your stopwatch.
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Your newels are lathe-turned, with tapered round bodies, 5/8" O.D. where they will go into the bottom of the handrail. They fatten out toward the base, which is a 1-1/16" square section.
The two dimensions given for the balustrade are at the floor line of the newels, and at the height where the bottom edge of the handrail will be.
Your inspector will permit a 4" diameter ball to pass through the balustrade, but nothing larger.
Your CM challenge is to get all the readings for marking out the centers of the balusters on the floor.
Sharpen your pencil, turn on your CM, and begin NOW! Give me your stopwatch reading when you've got all the center figures.
Gene,Add 4" + the 5/8" OD which is 4-5/8".84-3/8"/ 4-5/8" = 18.24324"18 x 5/8" = 11-1/4"84-3/8" - 11-1/4" = 73-1/8"73-1/8" / 19 = 3-7/8" (Spacing in between Balusters)Joe Carola
Not what I was looking for, Joe.
My palm pilot program took me 13 seconds to get all the detail.
Centers are 4 15/32 apart, approximately.
Spacings between balusters up at the skinny 5/8 dia. tops are about 3 27/32.
18 balusters are needed.
Tape reads for center marks, tape end butted against the newel's fattest bottom, along the floor, read,
1st 3 3/16
I won't bother with all the in-betweens
18th 79 1/8
Do all that on your CM, including all the 18 tape read numbers, and give me the elapsed time.
>>My palm pilot program took me 13 seconds to get all the detail.Centers are 4 15/32 apart, approximately.Spacings between balusters up at the skinny 5/8 dia. tops are about 3 27/32.18 balusters are needed.Tape reads for center marks, tape end butted against the newel's fattest bottom, along the floor, read,1st 3 3/16I won't bother with all the in-betweens18th 79 1/8>>Do all that on your CM, including all the 18 tape read numbers, and give me the elapsed time.Gene,I used 18 balusters also.84-3/8" [M+]/4-5/8" = 18.24324"18 x 5/8" = 11-1/4"[Rcl] [M+] - 11-1/4" = 73-1/8"/19 = 3-27/32 [M+](Space between newel and first baluster and every balaster)+ 5/16 (half of 5/8") = 4-5/32" [M+][Stor][1](Center #1 Baluster from Newel)+ 5/16" = 4-15/32" (Centers up to the 18th Baluster)[Rcl][1]Returns - 4 5/32" + 4-15/32" = 8-5/8"(Center of 2nd Baluster)Continue pressing == 13-3/32"
= 17-9/16"
= 22-1/32"
= 26-1/2"
= 30-31/32"
= 35-7/16"
= 39-29/32"
= 44-3/8"
= 48-27/32"
= 53-5/16"
= 57-25/32"
= 62-1/4"
= 66-23/32"
= 71-3/16"
= 75-21/32"
= 80-1/8" (Center 18th Baluster)+ 4-5/32" = 84-9/32" or 84-5/16" (To Newel)This leaves you with the same 3-27/32" spacing from Newel to Baluster on both ends and in between every Baluster.This whole thing took 50 seconds.Joe Carola
7 seconds with BalusterPro for the iPhone
yea but how long to cut and install them?... 45 sec. one way or the other in calculating doesn't amount to much IMO
They can't get your Goat if you don't tell them where it is hidden.
7 seconds with BalusterPro for the iPhone
WOW...You're amazing!!
Joe Carola