Anyone else hearing this from their customers? Starting to hear that a lot now. My usual answer? Depends, sometimes it’s ‘yes, unless something goes very wrong’ or sometimes it’s ‘there’s a very good chance it will be’ or sometimes it’s ‘well I’ll make sure the cooker is in and working even if nothing else is’. Have to wait and see how things will turn out, I’m on 12 hrs a day, 7 days a week. That’s part of the problem of having a workshop in your back yard, can always go out and do a couple more hours
Christmas won't be done this year.
Yesterday I got in some Riendeer steaks and I suspect Santa's grounded.
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
What do you marinate Santa's little helpers with? Blikzenberry sauce? Do they taste like chicken?
Ever try sprinkling elf dust on them?
CurlyHand Hewn Restorations Inc.
Restoring the past for the future.
You wouldn't believe how hardy of a laugh that got.
Santa's little helpers. Aren't they the elves?
I'm willing to experiment.
Blitzenberry sauce is avaible from Alaskan Wild Berry Prouducts. Kinda like a sweet and sour sauce. Don't know about the Elf dust. BWTB it's out there.
Nope not like chicken at all. More like ELK with a richer flavor. Better than filet mingon. (sp?)
just doing my part to lighten up Xmas.
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
Don't confuse Elf dust with Angel dust. Those little elves can be real devils as I am told. I hear Rudy Red Nose has had some "problems" with them. Just a roumor I have have heard wispered around here.
Did you get your package from me yet?
CurlyHand Hewn Restorations Inc.
Restoring the past for the future.
Thanks for the heads up... I'll mke sure to carefully read the dust containers.
Nope not yet...
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
Went out last Friday. GD elves at the Post Office.
CurlyHand Hewn Restorations Inc.
Restoring the past for the future.
Where I live... add a week...
The pony express here walks... too old to ride..
You get mine???
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
Not as of this a.m.
CurlyHand Hewn Restorations Inc.
Restoring the past for the future.
"I don't care what your name is fat man, get those reindeer off my roof!"View ImageView Image"Rather be a hammer than a nail"
It sure is getting close, isn't it?
I do my first Santa gig next Wednesday. Get to ride into town on a fire truck for the Christmas lighting ceremony the night before Thanksgiving.
Last year when I was Santa I told a woman "Come to my place later, and I'll show you the REAL north pole.
(It was DW that I said it to - She was NOT impressed)
The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the naughty girls live.
It was DW that I said it to - She was NOT impressed
She new better.....
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
Can you tone it down a little? You're gonna get me in trouble for laughing out loud at my desk. ;-)
Here's the subliminal part of my message:
IMERC, have a Colo fest.....come'll be fun.....
And, back on topic, I think everyone wants to envision their new home or newly improved home all decorated Martha Stewart style for Christmas. Well you know what I mean, the old martha stewart, not the one in an orange jumpsuit lounging on a battleship gray cot behind bars.
In truth, I've been dreaming of decorating for Christmas for 8 years......still waiting.....
Saw a sure sign of Thanksgiving the other day--tents foing up to sell the almost bone dry christmas trees, gotta be ready for that by week from Friday . . .Occupational hazard of my occupation not being around (sorry Bubba)
What you need is a good carpenter. I know, your gonna say you got one. Been waiting eight years, right.
My wife realized the same thing last year while talking to my friends wife. She said how he couldn't finish anything either.
They decided,since we are the only ones who's work we respect, to hire us out for each others homes.
Boy that bent my brain. My buddy and I busted our humps to show each other one of us was the better carpenter. Both homes got finished in a couple of weekends. Both houses got done better then we would have done for ourselves. There's the part that hurt my brain, oh well.
Money wise it worked out to a close draw but he ate better then I did. Oops shouldn't have said that.
They joke that husband/carpenter swapping was the best thing they ever thought of.
We know we've been had but the whole thing was fun. Strange but fun.
Edited 11/19/2003 6:15:56 PM ET by JAGWAH
Sure it will 2004! I try never to get involved with any project that can be even remotely done by christmas.
the stock answer for me is'yes but i'm not promising which one'!!!
a couple of years ago i got to the point where i decided to work a 5 day week and have the weekends to myself.
i think it was one of my better ideas. i still work at the weekends, but its on my house now.
I saw a couple of stake in my neighbors yard back in August and they told me that they where going to put on a small addition.
I asked when. He said that they hoped to have it findished by Thanksgiving. I ask what year.
The poured the footings today.