I have a question regarding the wiring into my garage. It is an old garage with 120V service. I was trying to clean up the wiring while I installed a new flourescent light. What I’m confused about is there are three wires in the romex cable going into the garage ( there is one white wire, one red wire, and one black wire) Unfortunately, in my haste I disconnected all the wires before looking what wire was what. I know a little of the basics of electricity. I can’t figure out which wire is the neutral, which is the hot, and which is the ground. I tried to trace the wiring back to the distribution panel, which only confused my all the further. Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated.
Dave Gross
I have a question regarding the wiring into my garage. It is an old garage with 120V service. I was trying to clean up the wiring while I installed a new flourescent light. What I'm confused about is there are three wires in the romex cable going into the garage ( there is one white wire, one red wire, and one black wire) Unfortunately, in my haste I disconnected all the wires before looking what wire was what. I know a little of the basics of electricity. I can't figure out which wire is the neutral, which is the hot, and which is the ground. I tried to trace the wiring back to the distribution panel, which only confused my all the further. Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated.
Dave Gross