Would like confirmation about Building Codes for Unoccupied Space and No windows

For those who have been helping with the house expansion project of mine, it has had to be drastically downsized because of cost. For now we are only working on the storage room.
I would like to confirm I am understanding the International Building Code correct and an Unoccupied Storage room that only is accessed from the outside does NOT require a window. This room will be 25×30 and will provide storage space for stuff that is in several shed’s. I have had neighbors complain about all of the sheds in the backyard, and to not incur the wrath of the Code Enforcement Officer (I was told that the storage sheds don’t need permits, but to end any possible Town Zoning violations, we are building this new storage room). Since there is already an accessory building on the lot, the only option is to attach this room to the house. There will be no access from the inside of the house. Only the one exterior door. The Room will be in one corner that has no windows, so this room won’t be block any existing windows.
As far as the International Building Codes are concerned, is this permitted? I believe it is, but don’t want to be wrong.
The room will be unheated, uninsulated, and only accessed for storage from the outside, and therefore should be defined as unoccupied space, which qualifies as not needing any windows, correct?
Thanks all.
Ken L