I’m fascinated with the concept behind yurts and toying with the idea of building one out back, just for the fun of it.
Anybody done it?
Got any suggestions?
I’m fascinated with the concept behind yurts and toying with the idea of building one out back, just for the fun of it.
Anybody done it?
Got any suggestions?
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haven't built one...or slept in one yet...but probably will do so by summers end. A few of our state parks have built them for camping rentals.....supposed to be very popular. The state's pretty proud of the fact they've put them up too......maybe a search on PA state parks could find ya a link to someone with the plans. Jeff
"That's like hypnotizing chickens........."
Good on you for having a go. I havent ever been in a yurt but would like to.
A few years ago i got myself a Tipi. Those things are so comfortable. the best way to live.
Wood Hoon
We explored this a few years ago. Suggest you check out Nesting Bird....think they're in Oregon.
They seemed to have the best quality product...at least at the time.
Shelley in NM
Yup. Did a search and spent a few hours at all those sales sites. I ws hoping to hear from someone intimate with them and the construction process/longevity. Sales brochures will make wild claims sometimes. I've built and stayed in domes of both kinds, round houses, and did tipis for hunting. I like the round concept but not with traditional materials.
Excellence is its own reward!
Nope, never did it. We were thinking of it as a temporary structure on a piece of rural property.
Since it was lonely, we decided that "forced entry" with a utility knife might be too tempting.
Shelley in NM
we never lock our doors anyway.
Excellence is its own reward!
I have several food allergies and yogurt is one thing I can't eat. Kathy and the kids love it...I can't see how you'd LIVE in it though. Is this some new-age thing?
I knew a guy in Seattle actually Bremerton area who lived in a T Pee. He lived there after his trailer burned down. It was supposed to be temporary after about 9 or 10 years his wife finally put her foot down either the T Pee went or she would. I guess she got tired of walking through the mud in the rain to the shed where the washer/dryer was or to the little shelter where the pole was that the phone was hung on. That guy was quite the character. There was also a guy who lived in a yert that worked at Harrison hospital in Bremerton. I didnt know him but some gal I used to go out with did. She used to work with him. Darkworksite4: When the job is to small for everyone else, Its just about right for me"
"...his wife finally put her foot down either the T Pee went or she would."
Geez, let's see, the teepee or the missus...hmm...the missus or the teepee...that really doesn't seem like that tough a choice, man.
Wasn't actually thinking of living in it MYSEWLF!
More of a menstral hut.
Or a dwelling for the occasional unwanted visitor/ cousin/ summer headache.
Probably end up as a shed for the lawnmowers and chainsaws.Excellence is its own reward!
Piffin why limit your self my brother go for the gold... Darkworksite4: When the job is to small for everyone else, Its just about right for me"
I wouldnt have to choose. My missus likes staying in the tipi just as much as i do. All I need to do is 'lose' the house maybe...................
Wood Hoon
re:Yurts theyreOk...I'velived in one years ago for a few months and wasnt impressed. I bought a book about Tipis and bought the canvas skin with the liner. It was 20' in diameter. Long story.as most of mine are,,,sorry. I moved up top a mtn in Lovingston Virginia between Charlottsville and Lynchburg....Yearsssssssssss ago. I'm talking wayyyyyy up in the Blue Ridge Foothills (I'm from NYC). Moved up to help a 75 year ol'woman who lived up there her whole life (and then some) with no power or septic. One of the most intense experiances of my short 51 years. Anyway....I put together a 20 ' tipi and lived in it throughout a winter........You have to walk out in the middle of the night (to pee.....lol) and look back with the fire goin' in the center of the tipi and wonder what houses are all about. Soooooo comfortable and warm and part of it all......ok ok..so call me a romantic but now over 25 years later I have an idea for a resorty kinda thing.....My move out west may just reflect it all..Any takers witha bit of $$$$ and motivation? None the less you snuck the ideas "I have outta me......workin it for a long time.........be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Tipi with a fire on a cold winters night. The best. nothing else comes close.
Mine is an 18 footer. One particular night we had a huge fire going, flames up to 4'. Man what a night. :)
Wood Hoon
Sounds like a hoot, Hoon.
For our hunting trips, we had a twenty foot tipi and set up a dome tent in the corner [wink] for sleeping quarters to have more comfort at night. Gave her the feeling of a private bedroom separate from the open area and it was warmer by morning. I'm talking minus twenty degrees at night.
I loved it. Brought home some meat too!
When we dragged the critter back to camp, I put the tenderloin on to broil while it was practically still quiverring and went out to skin the hide off. The wonderful smells...My savage memories pour forth...never tasted such a fine piece of meat...
Vegetarians go home!
Excellence is its own reward!
Aaaah, meat. :)
the night of the 'big fire', we had roasted wild duck and pork, plus all the spuds and veges. followed by a few beers. Very cold out. A great weekend all round.
Wood Hoon