As journalists, we have to be careful to keep our reporting to the facts. If we can’t actually test performance when we cover tools, fixtures, building materials, or other products, we try to show readers what they will get for their money. We research what types of finishes, ergonomics, materials, components, and engineering create a high-quality product and balance those criteria with cost. We look at efficiency and the potential for payback in lower utility bills. We use photos to let style speak for itself. But of course, we all do have biases, and sometimes we don’t hide them well. When that happens, you write us letters and we get defensive and complain about you over coffee in the break room. But we know that you are right: It is irresponsible to let our biases creep into this type of work. So perhaps this is irresponsible, too, because I have no experience with American Standard’s Champion toilets (and because they are an advertiser), but I think this is a pretty good reason to buy one, if you are in the market.
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You can feel good about the American Standard Champion. My dad loves them! Getting ready to buy one myself.
Had a pressure assisted toilet that went in the trash because the kids plugged it so often. It was also very noisy. Everyone in the house knew when you flushed it.
The American Standard Champion is a good toilet, but my kids plug it too, but not as often. I bet there isn't a toilet on the market they can't plug.
My church does a build down in Tecate, Mexico every year with Amor Ministeries (
I gotta say the worst part for me was the toilets... or lack thereof.
Down there it's not even a closed pit a lot of times.
On our job site it was an outhouse hanging over a pit... It was supported by a 2x4 scabbed together in the middle to make you feel like you'd fall in and die (or at least be unhappy).
I came home after a week and plumbing was probably #1 on my list of luxuries.