Long-Reach Stapler
Working solo? Try this tip for fastening roofing felt.
Working alone, attempting to staple roofing felt to a 12-pitch roof without a lot of staging and fuss, I thought that I would try attaching my heavy-duty hammer tacker to an extension pole with duct tape. It worked perfectly and loading was unhampered. Because I was working from a hole in the roof for a large cupola, I could slide precut pieces of roofing felt into position, tack them into place with a regular stapler, then use the 12-ft. extension tool to finish stapling.
— Jim Whitlock; Sandown, N.H.
From Fine Homebuilding #276
- Synthetic Roofing Underlayments
- Choices for Roof Underlayment Continue to Expand (GBA)
- Choosing Roofing Underlayment
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View Comments
I saw a guy hanging out a third story window, nailing off the last sheet of sheathing that way, only he was using a 2x4 and an 8d nail gun. Same duct tape, though. I guess it beat getting out a 30 foot ladder for one sheet.