I’m having problems with installing a 4-way switch in my kitchen remodel. I’m fairly competent with electricity (I work in entertainment lighting) but this just isn’t adding up.I’ve gotten the circuit to work as a 3-way by removing the 4-way but every time i put the 4 way back in (no matter what wiring config i use; top, side, cross)the switches don’t work as they should, i.e. all of them turning the light on and off
I’ve checked my wiring about 10 times now and nothing is crossed. The power comes in to the first 3-way switch as the common. The neutral bypasses and goes to the first light which then feeds the neutral of the other 2 lights and terminates. The travelers go from the first 3-way, to the 4-way then continue on to the 2nd 3-way which is a standard non-electronic dimmer. The hot from each of the 3 lights connect and go to the 2nd 3-way to connect to it’s common. I’m using the same leviton decora brand on all 3 switches.
Can anyone clue me in as to whats going on? Shouldn’t each switch turn the lights on and off, no matter what “position” the other switches are in? Any help would be greatly appreciated
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See if this helps.
The best reward for a job well done is the opportunity to do another.
Put a meter on the 4 way switch make sure its not defective.
*If* the rest of the wiring is correct and adding the four-way causes a problem.......then either the switch is defective....or you need to flip one pair of travelers on the four-way. Doesn't matter which side of the four-way you choose do this, but you need to flip two travelers that are on the same physical side of the four-way. (Either "incoming" or "outgoing" side. Doesn't matter which.)
Edited 4/29/2008 10:08 pm ET by HootOwl
Thanks hootowl, success has been achieved. That must have been the one wire combo I didn't try (of course!) and now it all works like a charm.
You be welcome.
If you encounter this problem again in the future, the answer is the same; flip a pair of travelers on the four-way. If there are multiple four-ways in a circuit, the answer is the same; flip one pair of travelers on just one of the four-ways and all should be well.
Edited 4/29/2008 11:49 pm ET by HootOwl
As you describe it you're OK. About all you could be doing is misidentifying the connections on the 4-way. Likely you need to rotate the 4-way 90 degrees with respect to its connections.