Well, it’s raining out, and we can’t work so here goes – perhaps this will help someone else “dodge a bullet”, so to speak. It’s a copy of what we give to every employee, and they must sign a receipt stating that they have received it. The signed receipt then goes in their file. It has saved me some potential grief in the past, and it may help others too.
“Since the circumstances surrrounding a particular action are often as important as the action itself in determining the severity of any disciplinary action, it is not possible to list all of the causes for discharge. The following violations are just some of the infractions which could result in discharge:
1. any act of physical or verbal abuse or neglect to a customer, the Company or another Employee,
2. theft or misuse of property belonging to a customer, the Company or another Employee,
3. any rude or discourteous treatment of another person including the use of foul or inappropriate language,
4. insubordination (wilful failure to carry out an order),
5. to use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or any other dangerous drug while working,
6. arguing, fighting, gambling or destruction of property; use or possession of dangerous weapons,
7. failure to carry out the requirements of your job,
8. absence from work without prior notification and explanation; habitual tardiness; leaving work without permission,
9. disregard of common safety practices or violation of safety rules; failure to report a personal injury or accident of a customer or Employee,
10. falsification or removal of Employee records,
Any Employee may be disciplined, demoted, transferred or discharged at anytime with or without notice or cause. Nothing in this Handbook is intended to or shall limit the Company’s right to discipline or discharge an Employee; furthermore, such discipline or discharge is not required to follow any specific procedure or be in compliance with any of the procedures set out herein.
Received by: __________________________________ Date: ____________”
At first reading it may sound a little overdone, but bear in mind that the purpose of this instrument is to: 1. set guidelines as to expected behavior, and, 2. protect my tail feathers and the company. It does that very well. Remember, in a crisis an employee can and will turn into a adversary in a split second. The question then is, “What can I do to protect myself, ahead of time?” In other words, you need to be proactive.
Good luck,
Cliff have you thought about a claus covering you for sexual harrassment/ other types of harrassment / hostile work enviroment/ discrimination, just a thought
*Ron,#3 will cover harrassment. Discrimination is part of the EEOC thing - there is a separate boiler plate statement that most everyone uses. As we are in Texas, there is an EEOC office in Dallas, and they are more than willing to assist with guidelines. Most newspapers also have some boiler plate wording available free for the asking - usually handled by the classified ad section people.It's sad, but one has to cover one's tail feaathers at all times. There are too many sharks out there ready, willing and able to feed off your hard earned assets.Cliff.
Well, it's raining out, and we can't work so here goes - perhaps this will help someone else "dodge a bullet", so to speak. It's a copy of what we give to every employee, and they must sign a receipt stating that they have received it. The signed receipt then goes in their file. It has saved me some potential grief in the past, and it may help others too.
"Since the circumstances surrrounding a particular action are often as important as the action itself in determining the severity of any disciplinary action, it is not possible to list all of the causes for discharge. The following violations are just some of the infractions which could result in discharge:
1. any act of physical or verbal abuse or neglect to a customer, the Company or another Employee,
2. theft or misuse of property belonging to a customer, the Company or another Employee,
3. any rude or discourteous treatment of another person including the use of foul or inappropriate language,
4. insubordination (wilful failure to carry out an order),
5. to use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or any other dangerous drug while working,
6. arguing, fighting, gambling or destruction of property; use or possession of dangerous weapons,
7. failure to carry out the requirements of your job,
8. absence from work without prior notification and explanation; habitual tardiness; leaving work without permission,
9. disregard of common safety practices or violation of safety rules; failure to report a personal injury or accident of a customer or Employee,
10. falsification or removal of Employee records,
Any Employee may be disciplined, demoted, transferred or discharged at anytime with or without notice or cause. Nothing in this Handbook is intended to or shall limit the Company's right to discipline or discharge an Employee; furthermore, such discipline or discharge is not required to follow any specific procedure or be in compliance with any of the procedures set out herein.
Received by: __________________________________ Date: ____________"
At first reading it may sound a little overdone, but bear in mind that the purpose of this instrument is to: 1. set guidelines as to expected behavior, and, 2. protect my tail feathers and the company. It does that very well. Remember, in a crisis an employee can and will turn into a adversary in a split second. The question then is, "What can I do to protect myself, ahead of time?" In other words, you need to be proactive.
Good luck,