Advice on gaining experience/finding work in homebuilding/remodeling or home repair with little experience?

Disclaimer: first post on this page and not sure if this is even the best spot to ask all this. I was referred here from the homebuilding page on Reddit. If this is the wrong page to ask about this kind of topic please let me know.
my wife and I lived in OKC area for a few years so we’re pretty familiar with the area and fell in love with our little community out there.
For the last year I’ve been working alongside Austin’s Habitat for Humanity affiliate through a service year with AmeriCorps. Essentially I’ve gotten to have a hand in and lead volunteers on every stage of the building process for new construction homes with exception only to sheet rock, plumbing and electrical work (which are subbed out). Long term goal is to slowly work my way into house flipping as opposed to outright building new homes.
I guess what I’d like to know are yalls tips or any advice to what kind of work is out there, best way to show interest and apply (are phone calls or showing up in person better than online app or emails..etc).
Before this year I had only a few years of building experience only through volunteer days with Habitat so I’m still relatively fresh within the construction world but I’m confident that I am teachable and the work I’ve been a part of I am extremely proud of. I didn’t know I’d enjoy working with my hands this much and want to continue focusing on this trade or similar fields as I move back to Oklahoma.
Not sure how much activity this page gets so any and all words of advice are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you thank you!:)