Trying to finalize a bid and my customer wants a zero energy house. He has picked Third Sun for the heating and cooling package and to provide the system to take us off the grid.
I haven’t seen their proposal so I don’t know what it involves.
Their web site shows them working with photovoltic and wind systems.
Should be fun and educational.
Anyway- just wondered if anyone had worked with them and how that went.
Get Taunton involved and see if they will do an article. Might help the pocket book too!!!!!
No third sun in NC, but around here, there's gotta be 10 companies offering what I saw at the third sun site.
I'm working on a house with photovaoltaics, geo-thermal, radiant slab, solar h2o, and a 10,00 gal rainwaiter recovery to potable water system (I'm just doing the trim<G>).
They contracted one company to do it all, because that made sense.
Company couldn't keep up and had to sub out the photovoltaics and water system.
Then they failed the HVAC inspection for putting and air return (conneted to the house system) in the garage workshop...
It's a good thing you're checking<G>
I'm building a house with that Outback system, I'd imagine a lot of what Third Sun sells could be had elsewhere. And when I was shopping, I got a lot of different prices for the same stuff.
Winterlude by the telephone wire,
Winterlude, it's makin' me lazy,
Come on, sit by the logs in the fire.
The moonlight reflects from the window
Where the snowflakes, they cover the sand.
Come out tonight, ev'rything will be tight,
Winterlude, this dude thinks you're grand.
that all sounds like what they want to do- we shall seeI am leaning towards a geothermal system coupled to a wind thingy doohickey slash turbine.I'll build it whatever it is- but the sun don't shine much here and the wind do blow.
The job site is a mile from where I grew up...No Tag
Edited 2/28/2008 9:53 pm ET by hubcap
Could be a fun project and worth writing up- I gotta land the business firstNo Tag
Finishing up a remodel where we added a geo thermal forced central air system. I am very impressed with eveness of both the heat and ac ( yes, we've been there for a long time<G>).Only drawback's in the hot water recovery in the winter, small trade-off.and, if drill your water well first... if driller comes up empty, fill it with a loop, quick. Winterlude, Winterlude, my little daisy,
Winterlude by the telephone wire,
Winterlude, it's makin' me lazy,
Come on, sit by the logs in the fire.
The moonlight reflects from the window
Where the snowflakes, they cover the sand.
Come out tonight, ev'rything will be tight,
Winterlude, this dude thinks you're grand.
I did a geothermal retro fit for my uncle two years ago- his total energy bill for his 2500 sq foot ranch is 80 bucks a month down from almost three hundred when they moved in. Thats heating and cooling, lights, hot water, cooking- the whole deal.Anytime I see him he kisses me and says "you a good boy..."I say "No tongue Uncle Guuido it makes me uncomfortable..."So back on taskI am meeting with my client over the weekend and will let you know our directionI think it could be funNo Tag
I forgot- building a house this summer with a geothermal loop tied to the well.
We figure the well to make 30 gallons a minute based on local well logs- every house on the street is at least 30 gallons and about half went artesian... 45 to 60 feet down and hello aquifer.No Tag