I’m replacing deck boards. Joists are 16 inch on center. I’m wondering if P.T. 2x4s on-edge would stand up better to sun & water? What do you use for permanent spacers? (I’m thinking something like clear plastic might be good – certainly want something waterproof.)
Why would you want to more than double your material cost, and still end up with syp boards?
"Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
Maybe it lasts longer with less splintering, cracking, rotting?
Still cheaper than composite and or plastic?
Looks better than plastic.
Would be strong enough for diagonal installation.
THink of installation time, you need to install 4 boards to 1. I doubt it would be any cheaper in the end and you'd still end up with an inferior product IMO.
Here's a 2" X 8" PT dock my brother built 10 years ago. It's on the SC coast and still looks great. I told him not to do it but he went ahead and did it anyway. I think the trick is that it's screwed on from the bottom up so there are no fastener holes to let water in.
I've seen it done, but my impression is it's worse. On the ones I've seen, the wood tends to twist/warp more, so spacing becomes more of an issue. Also, I don't think it dries out as well, so you get even more moisture issues that you ordinarily would have. You also have the problem created by the instability of standing a 2X4 on it's thin edge -- so it "wobbles". Don't know how they are fastened, but it's likely a PITA to do.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
I did one like that about 27 years ago. I ended up with a very sturdy deck, but a very rough surface - any bow at all to the board really showed up.
Highly not recommended.
If you want a deck that will last go with Ipe. It has been on the Atlantic boardwalk for 40+ years exposed to the ocean and still going strong.
I was laying stone on a job where the Carps
were doing that.
They spaced it with squares of P.T. plywood.
Looks cool but man what a lot of work and wood!
I had a WRC deck done with 2X3's on the flat that was solid as a rock. Only the frame was PT.
Personally I hate PT and avoid it at all costs. You could not give me a 5/4 board of that ####.