Not really arched… a segment of a circle with a 96″ radius… I need to build a jamb for an arched doorway. Jamb material thickness – 1 1/4″. The rise from the spring line to the top of the segment is five inches; the distance from the highest point of the arch is 106″ to the finished floor. The chord (or width) of the doorway is 5′. Jamb width is 6 1/2″. Jambs to be made out of Honduras Mahogany.
Can somebody offer suggestion about the corner joinery between the arched head jamb and the side jambs? Also methods of forming the arch – bent lamination, cut-out from brickwork lamination, etc.
Thanks very much in advance!
Most that I have seen or installed were made from laminations of solid stock bandsawed to the radius and glued up on edge. In some cases, a thin skin of lumber (like 1/4" that becomes the reveal) is applied to cover the laminations. This is the most cost effective way of doing what you ask that I know of.
The connection at the jamb leg is much like a regular door. Seat the arched jamb head into a pocket in the jamb leg. Glue and screw.
Good luck,
*Boo; First of all you never kill a mockingbird, but the easiest way to build your radius head jamb is with benderboard and about 3 rips of resawed 3/32 lumber, glued to a two sided bending form, remember to allow for the final thickness of the jamb when making your bending forms, I also make the radius a little exagerated on the ends to allow for spring back, good luck. By the way a good lamination wont need a veneer to cover it.
*Again, thanks for the help.
Not really arched... a segment of a circle with a 96" radius... I need to build a jamb for an arched doorway. Jamb material thickness - 1 1/4". The rise from the spring line to the top of the segment is five inches; the distance from the highest point of the arch is 106" to the finished floor. The chord (or width) of the doorway is 5'. Jamb width is 6 1/2". Jambs to be made out of Honduras Mahogany.
Can somebody offer suggestion about the corner joinery between the arched head jamb and the side jambs? Also methods of forming the arch - bent lamination, cut-out from brickwork lamination, etc.
Thanks very much in advance!