i would like to install a drop down ladder but the only way it will fit it in the room is to install in perpendicular to the celing joists instead of parallel. Ceiling joists are 2 x 4 16 inch on center (100 year old house). i would need to cut 3 joists for a rough opening of 30 x 60.
is this a problem? thank you for any advice.
No way to tell without a more detailed description of the framing. Most certainly the area would have to be reenforced, at the very least.
Would something like this help you out at all?
It's made for smaller openings.
You'll need to double or triple the joists at the ends, header off the joists you cut, etc. You absolutely need an engineer to assess this, as your joists are probably in tension and cutting them can be a major structural change.
I'd take a look at the Werner AA series ladders as JMadson suggested. AA08 or AA10. Both have and RO of 22"x22" - the AA10 just has more vertical reach and is a little wider.
Checker Contracting - SE Michigan
Another consideration -- if you are doing this so you can get up to the attic and store stuff, you may want to reconsider. The 2X4 joists are not likely to be designed to support much, if any, additional weight.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA