hi everybody, i read everything about fastening azek trimmboards and i am still confused which nailgun and fastener to use. i installed 8 windows in row with about 9″ of space between each window. i want to fill that space making it to look like a recessed panel look. ripping a 1×4 or 1×6 trimmboard in half and make a frame and then using an azek basecap moulding inside the frame. to fasten the trimboard i want to use 16 g. galvanized finishing nails with my senco gun and for any smaller moulding 18 g brads. i will also use pl remium construction adhesive and for the mitercuts i’ll use pvc cement. thanks for any help.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
I'm not an expert on Azek, have used it a few times but have always screwed it in place with trim head SS screws.
My concern is the head size (or rather lack of) of the 16 or 18 ga brads. Although the function of the nails may just be to "hold until the glue dries".
I tried using just regular PVC cement on the first job - my results were not good. Switched to the "special" Azek glue - worked great as did the "special" Azek filler for the screw heads. Filler is pricey - I waited until everything was in place before opening the tube - filled all holes at the same time - see 94375.5 for web site.
Others with more Azek experience will chime in re: fasteners, etc.
Never underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
Edited 9/9/2007 1:42 pm ET by JTC1
"I tried using just regular PVC cement on the first job - my results were not good. Switched to the "special" Azek glue - worked great as did the "special" Azek filler for the screw heads."I did a bunch of test glue with regular plumbers pvc glue and no matter what I tried, I could not get it to bond. It would get sticky and soften the surface but it would never glue.
You got about the same results as I had, although the Azek intstruction sheet claims that regular PVC cement will work. I tried PVC cement and "multi-purpose" cement both by Oatey.
The instructions claim the drawback to using regular PVC cement is that there is too quick of a bond formed with no time for repositioning / adjusting. I didn't get it to bond either. Azek cement was good.
Never underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
I waited 30 minutes for one and I think longer for another. Everything I've heard is that it works but the downside as you said is it bonds too quickly so you don't have any working time and the other is that there is not UV inhibitor so it will yellow if you do not paint. The same bottle of pvc glue worked minutes later on pvc pipe, welded bond in 20 seconds. I think it might have something to do with the cell nature of the Azek and similar brands.
I did all of the facia on my house with Azec last year. Also used trim head stainless screws, they are the lick. Like Jim said, use the Azec glue ... works great. The trim head stainless screws will countersink themselves and you can use them to hole the miters together too. You dont have your profile filled out so I dont know where you are located, but if you are anywhere nearby you can have a half can of the glue, just come and get it.
Bill Koustenis
Advanced Automotive Machine
Waldorf Md
Edited 9/9/2007 3:07 pm ET by MrBill
thanks for your reply, but what about fastening a small azek moulding, like a basecap?
I replaced piasters and exterior corner boards with AZEK. I countersunk, predrilled, and used decking screws. I filled wirh exterior spackle amd painted with latex. The pilaters were done 2 years ago and look like new. The pilasters were 5/4 thick and the corner boards 3/4.
Azek's got their installation instructions on their site. - Google azek.
I won't take up a lot of space here, but one thing they want is full head nails.
edit to and link.
Remodeling Contractor just on the other side of the Glass City
Edited 9/9/2007 5:24 pm ET by JHOLE
For the frames (1x's) use SS nails or screws. I personally like to use SS 8d rings with a coil siding nailer. The product moves too much to use finish nails for the larger pieces. You can use the finish nailer or brand nailer to hold the base cap in place while the glue sets up. I would only use the Azek glue or another glue for pvc trim, don't use plumbing glue. The glue creates a chemical weld similar to that in plumbing pvc, so the finish nails or brads would be there just to hold the trim in place until the glue sets. I would also use SS for the brads or finish nails.
PL premium is great but I would rather the chemical bond of the pvc glue. It is also water clean up too.