Hello All,
Due to money constraints, I am building a smaller house than I ultimately wish to end up with. The plan is to build now, and add on as our family and (hopefully) bank accounts grow.
The first planned future addition will require butting against the soon to be poured basement and footings to create a continuation of the basement, and define the new space. I’ve thought ahead enough to include a foundation window in the plan – that ultimately will be removed to allow (limited) access and utilities into the future basement space. We may decide then to saw the foundation and make that access more than limited.
But my question is – can we do anything else now to make that future process easier/better? For instance, leave protruding rebar or a locking notch down the wall to be tied into later. Concrete is my weakest link, and I’m looking for a little advice from those who know.
I wouldn't worry too much about making the concrete easier to cut out. That won't be too hard at the right time with the right tools.
But if you know exazctly where the new walls will tie in, you could leave a keyway and dowel slot.
Excellence is its own reward!