Brands of electric floor heating systems
Is one brand of under ceramic tile better than the others? We want to use the electric mats under ceramic tile. This will not be for the main source of heat, just for comfort under foot. Is NuHeat better than Warmly Yours – or any other brand? Are the controllers / thermostat all made in the same place and just labeled differently?
They all work the same, the cabling may be thicker in some than others (but still put out the same wattts). Others are better geared to covering a rectangle (those that come glued to a mat) and spools of cable are handy when covering odd areas (Cabling shouldn't be installed under cabnets, appliances etc). You should also take a look at thermostats, some include a GFI and some don't, as well as a multitude of programing options.
This is not a step
I like the STEP Warmfloor we put in our last house. It is a plastic that you can staple down and then tile over. Probably overkill for you though - it is intended as a primary source of heat.
Laticrete will give you a 30 year warranty if you use all Laticrete products with their mat.