ok since its getting to the end of the year i am currently taking applications for the breaktimer awards in various catagories;
My suggestions are:
Blue: as the best “blah” of the year.
RK: as the most freshest most exciting distroyer of band width in the history of BT
Gabe: As the most knowlegdeable person on the thread able to answer any question given to him.
Wolvie, Kai, Pi,Adele and all the other ladies: best sports for putting up with all my rantings about shorts not to mention are darned good mud wrestlers.
Let the nominations begin:
Hardest Head..... Piffin
(remember the 2x4 story in colorado he was telling us about)
Oh, Hi Piffin.
*All you goofballs for the most enjoyable addiction I've had in years. And I thought reefer was mind numbing.
*Joe Fusco, Best at self promotion (next to RK).Jon
*Man with the SHORTest posts - Ron TetiHowdy r ignacki
*Best breaktime suck up topic....Ron "you gotta kidding me!" Teti.near the delusional streamists,aj
*I nominate Jeff J. Buck....for most self absorbed. Personally, I think he's a great guy. Sincerely, Jeff J. Buck. Thank You.
*Nearest to the stream of his own consciousness - AJ on the mountain
*Most agreeable - Rich Beckman
*A double award>>Like the concrete he pours, Most Set in his ways - Gabe Most firm under heavy traffic - Gabe
*Hey....How 'bout me for best jokes???Whaddaya think, Adrian???.....Smitty???...Beckman???
*Fairest tyrant - Andy "this ain't no democracy" EngelBTW I agreed with that statement Andy, I love benovolent Dictators.
*No fair nominating your own self, Doug, which reminds me of a story......
*Piff-Hell, I'm the only one who'll nominate me!!
*heck -Doug for best jokesfeel better bro'?I haven't had this much fun for weeks - between this thread and a couple others tonight. Thanks Ron. Glad the year is SHORT!
*Now, jim. For once I've gotta disagree with you.Most agreeable - jim "crazy legs" blodgettRich Beckman
*A tie for decking out the GALLERY - Pro Dek and Pro Dekthe runner up was BOB
*Well I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, much as I dislike agreeing about anything. Roger Clemons is dealin' man. Is there anyone you'd rather have on the mound in a game you had to win?
*luka..for persevering in the face of adversity
*Beckman ...second vote on most agreeable...say Rich?..are you good for a $100?
*GWC...for keeping me in fits
*Joyce for teaching me to throw horseshoes
*Jim Blodgett Mike Smith and Wolvie for hospitality
*PM and Dr Guido for orneriness and translation
*Lisa for being the first
*AJ for starting the first long thread ( and what a laugh )
*Fred Lugano for the heat
*Pi CLS Adele Wolvie Lisa and Lisa Kai and all the other girls for their varied and welcome input
*Gaby kafka for the jeep story
*Kathy Blodgett for her strength under trial
*Richard Jones for taming Texas
*Clay for your poetry
*To hell with the nominations...let's get onto the accpetance speeches....Thank you, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and in the future, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, good night!blue
*Mark I just saw the date of your post and looked at the date of my post and realized that you are speaking to me from the future.wow.Vince
*wait a minute it's my watch thats wrong it still says it's the 30th Vince from the past
*and what a seech it were.....near the crystal clear blue stream,aj
*to Cadioli and AjinNZ for holding the whole world on their shoulders while we shuffle about "rocking the boat" in their sleep!from the farside...of the stream,aj
*> are you good for a $100?Mark,The last $100 job I did, the customer was happy with the work, so I guess I am good for $100. I don't understand what brought up the question though.Rich Beckman
*Gunner,for neighbor of the year, i still crack up pictureing in my mind his neighbors having a pool party and him out there with his chipper and chain saw going off at the same time. I showed a buddy that post and he's still cracking up about it also
*Johnnie Brown, entertainment. RK, bulls**t deluxe for any query, just send $19.95.AJ, for all his electrical help. Think Gaby parked in the lake with his seat belt on? Phil, always ready with some kind of crap from the Far North.
*Thanks Ron. I'm going to get Blue to write an acceptance speech for me if I win.
*I nominate Cadioli as best nominator.Rich Beckman
*I second Johnie Browne. Never miss his posts!
*Here's one for Cadioli for best impersonator :-)
*He is de nominator.
*And quite common, at that.
*So, being from way "Down Under", would that make him the lowest common de nominator?
*Joe: Phil or Phill,...Crap or Crapp?
*Most:Posts-Ron TetiPosts with drivel-AJHumourous posts-Johnnie B.Intentionally humourous-GWC (since the loss of Patrick and Clay)Fatherly posts-tie between andy and Jim B.Loyal to an obsolete tool-blueEnigmatic-GeorgeUnforgiving-Joe F.Loyal-VincePolitical-PeteNew mama of the year-CLSHelpful-Mike SmithBest at taking money-Rich B.Just a few for now.
*I was going to nominate someone for the best hook baiter, but can't remember who it was that said they were the master of that craft. Anyone remember ???
*Hubcap. He claimed to have reached "master" status in the baiting field.
*Most/best accident stories--piffin
*I thought that award said lion tamer and deconstructionist extrordinare lurking by some swirling stream,Near the SWAT team,aj
*Best fish stories - that be the Mad Dog, hands down. Best fan of lousy sports teams - calvin (ducking for cover)
*Now I know why Osama hates us! Death to malicious punners!did
*I'll second the calvin thing... Jeff B, want to get in on this?
*Best 'Get your attention' post -Cynthia S for "Hi I'm an FBI agent ..."Jeff
*...and the humanitarian award for reaching far above and beyond the call of duty has to go to James DuHamel, for reading my rant about car trouble, and generously volunteering his time and expertise to teach all of us over on Cook's Talk basic auto mechanics.
*Phil, you're right. It's the multi-LLed Phill that's fullll of crapp. Sorry to have impunged the good name of Phil, my pfriend. Joe H
*ummm?...what..so you thought he knew what he was talking about?
*Carole - I agree with you - that kind of punning could lead to division ...
*Gotta be a different Lisa. Mark and I have never even met!
*yeh, I heard he rides a bike; don't even own a car.Kinda like a Pee-Wee Herman with tool bags. everything he knows he learned hangin' out at the gas station.You got to remember, in Texas, watchin' the boys swap-out a set of tires passes for a good Saturday night's entertainment.
*Oh no, another one........You do know that mathematicians work everything out with a pencil, don't you.......
*Dickey.He single handedly made us all stop fighting, unite and kick him off the board.Gabe
*Mike Maines, "Most/best accident stories--piffin "Than...........ooips I did it again..........Thank you for the nom........darn it all..........my finger are tripping over each oth................tanx enyway
*Mike Maines, "Most/best accident stories--piffin "Than...........ooips I did it again..........Thank you for the nom........darn it all..........my finger are tripping over each oth................tanx enyway
*Now how did that happen??????????
*Taming,......TexArse?Not a bleedin' chance mate. Full of rednecks. Slainte, RJ.
*With Taunton's blessing
*Mark Cadioli for putting the "journy" in "journyman", two years runnin'!Brother Mark again, for the "let's see what we can wrangle out of the airlines this trip" award.
*Skip Keith for the best tag line.Mike Smith and Skip Keith for the "let's see how early we can get that idiot out on the golf course" award.
*Pro-Dek: Photographer of the year.
*Best reverence for vertical grain fir (have to bow my head when I say that):Jim Blodgett
*Jim Blodgett for winning that award
*They have to.They are too stingy to buy tweezers, and they couldn't work it out any other way.
*Nothings a given Jim..........
*And to think I broke ribs with you in my home.........
*hey blue - I just saw an ad for a mouse pad that cleans your mouse as you use it! Give me yer snail mail, boyo!Blue - you got my vote for germ warrior/toilet trainer extraodinare!
*Lonecat, for best overseas outhouse story and best work rig.Chuck Crawford, for best perimeter defence during Y2K crises.Adrian Wilson, for having the absolutely most beautiful baby any of us have ever seen (thank GOD she resembles Elizabeth). Patrick, for waiting, patiently.Mongo, for continued support of rainscreens, may the tannons be with you brother.
*What's Patrick waiting for ?And when's he gonna start posting again ?Here in the great northwet, we prefer rpf's of at least 30.
*The Grace Under Pressure Award- Lisa Long Most Varied Punctuation Under Medication- Ron Teti Breaktimer Whose Posts I Never Thought I'd Miss- Earl Pitts
*Uh, did you just call me stingy?
*Hey! - Earl turned out OKI'll nominate him for best masquerade.
*yeah, what the heck do tweezers have to do with bein' stinky?
*Jim at great white for the "hey buddy, how far can that thing telescope?" award.JonC for the "HEY! YOU IN THE KILT! GET AWAY FROM THE BACK OF THAT SHEEP!" award.Andy Engel for the "What do you mean I only get to toast Robbie Burns once a year? I'M THIRSTY!" award.
*I haven't seen hide nor hair of the man, but I think it's safe to say he's "still waiting" for the latest issue to arive in his mailbox.
*You mean Rb Abbie Burns,------don't you, ya sleekit wee beastie? Slainte, RJ.
*Sorry, I didn't realize he was a Rabbi.
*Yeah, JonC for "Sheep Farmer/Builder of the Year" for his efforts to make foreplay a sheep industry standard.
*Stinky, now I'm stinky....Man, I can't win.....
*We only agreed to let you play. I don't recall anyone sayin' you might win.
*Ah, shoot, I can play, but I can't win......Not fair, not fair......Hey, tonight, I'm listening to the Beatles......Watch out.......Norwegian Wood........
*Wolvie, I've been thinking about that mouse pad idea. I'm not sure mine is dirty. If it is, I'd have to beat my wife. I think it's just old. I have to press down hard. I think it's time to buy a new mouse, attached to a new computer, attached to a new cable internet feed! You can scratch me off the toilet seat paranoia list. I finally plantd my cheeks on one of those orange thrones. It wasn't bad. At first I felt a very strong compulsion to run out into the street, but I forced myself to "sit it out". It helped that the cleaing truck had just left and everything was sanitized and smelling like roses. I still worried about the splash possibility. Finally, I decided that I like it and will probably start taking a newspaper and cigar into the little poop palace. Big journeys start with one small step. I'm feeling quite proud of myself today. I'm getting creeped out...gotta go shower!blue
*LOL, blue - you are a treat!
*>I think it's just old. I have to press down hard. I think it's time to buy a new mouse, attached to a new computer, attached to a new cable internet feed! Get an optical mouse--new Macs have em. No roller balls. No moving parts. Easy to sanitize. Just a beam of infrared light. Of course, if UV can be used to sanitize stuff, and IR's at the other end of the spectrum, does that mean IR can transport germs? Gotta think about that one...
*Can't trust UV rays. They can penetrate into your skin and injest spores....blue
*...might have to wear a tin foil glove.
*Yeah, it'll help keep out the spiders too.They're everywhereeVeRyWhErEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
*Owch !!!Sorry 'bout dat, Pi. Quicktime killed my browser, and I have been unable to get a browser going until now.I didn't mean to insult you. I was not thinking of you when I made the crack about mathmagicians. I was thinking of a guy. Now what would a guy mathmagician have to 'work out' with a pencil, because he didn't have tweezers to do the job with ?; )
*Blue,Make a deal with the Post Office.I hear they are getting some neat new machines that will irradiate and kill nasties. A daily walk-thru ought to keep you germ free.How about developing a personal model? Think of the market potential. Mounted at your front door it makes sure that neither you nor your guests are ever plagued again by harmful airborne spores and germs.
*James Du HamelSexiest shower partner, from a cat's point of view.
*I wasn't insulted.....It was just my poor attempt at humor....I wasn't exactly thinking of tweezers......
*Aha ! I get it !!Female mathmagician humor. As in, what other purpose can a pencil be put to...b : )One part I don't quite understand, though. Woudn't it take a small bundle of pencils ?; )
*You wear diapers ???Now I know why Jim called you stinky.
*Not yet.......Man, every time I sneeze is an adventure......Luka, put on your dirty ol man glasses and read between the lines......
*How you do that?
*Yeah, that was very luka-cool...How DID you do that?
*With paint shop pro.Screen capture. Then I add the text.b : )I'm good at other stuff too.; )
*Hey, we have Paint Shop Pro, husband uses it all the time.....I've never even thought about using it.....I know you're good at other stuff........Ooops, better leave that one alone.....Have a good day, Luka......
ok since its getting to the end of the year i am currently taking applications for the breaktimer awards in various catagories;
My suggestions are:
Blue: as the best "blah" of the year.
RK: as the most freshest most exciting distroyer of band width in the history of BT
Gabe: As the most knowlegdeable person on the thread able to answer any question given to him.
Wolvie, Kai, Pi,Adele and all the other ladies: best sports for putting up with all my rantings about shorts not to mention are darned good mud wrestlers.
Let the nominations begin: