Any Ice Fisherman here?
Built or plans to build a portable 2 man shanty?
Russell, Allegan Michigan
“Welcome to My World”
Any Ice Fisherman here?
Built or plans to build a portable 2 man shanty?
Russell, Allegan Michigan
“Welcome to My World”
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gonna tow it...
trailer it...
or do one in KD????
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming
WOW!!! What a Ride!
Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
It needs to fit in the bed of a s-10 pickup. It will be pulled on ice by hand. It needs to be light as possible do to thin ice. I'm not asking for much am I?
Russell, Allegan Michigan
"Welcome to My World"
carbon fiber!
closed cell foam panels Light weight for hauling
floatsHe didn't say it had top last long....;o)
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I like it. some things are supposed to be disposable. I think ice fishing shanties are one of them. At least the closed cell foam would float! It would be warm too!
Edited 12/10/2007 12:17 am ET by popawheelie
Warm, Light and it Floats too. I like it. And it will be easier for frenchy to pickup out of HIS lake.
Russell, Allegan Michigan
"Welocme to My World"
You would want to take along a few sandbags, though.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
best look at the commercial pop ups available now..
you just may be impressed...
but you can have the thin ice....
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
I am going to look at the commercial ones. I have a 1 man flip over by Frabill. I would like a two person so I can take my 5 year old grandson and I think the wife will fish if she has a shanty. Like you said the prices might not be all that bad by the time you figure in time and materials. Am looking forward to hard water soon. Maybe next weekend. Hopefully the work load will drop alittle this winter so will get to fish more.
Russell, Allegan Michigan
"Welcome to My World"
at times you'll think a 4 person is small... 'specially with the grandson...
take this to heart....
put the grandson in a harness and hook him up to a leash... ankor the trailing end rock solid to somethng...
the hole in the ice is hyper dangerous to a 5YO... and that water can be colder than 30 degrees...
add a thermia kit to yur gear....
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Grandson will not be going until ice is very good. Still like the idea of a leash. Maybe for wife also. And a whip, You know, mush, mush, mush, pull that shanty. Maybe not. And I think thin ice is dangerous.
Russell, Allegan Michigan
"Welcome to My World"
what I was getting at is a small kid can fit in the fish hole without any effort andbefore ya even miss them they immediately slide under the ice..
an adult can't ... recovery gets real exciting quick..
how fast can you chop a larger hole???
I like the wife leash idea but ya need to learn the kee and haa comands...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming
WOW!!! What a Ride!
Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
You got several things to decide:
Floor or no floor?
Folding or rigid? (How will you store it?)
Well-insulated or just wind-blocking?
Cheap/quick or well-built/long-lived?
(Have you looked at some of the commercial pop-up models -- prices weren't unreasonable last I looked a few years back)
I wonder if you couldn't do pretty well just using foil faced foam board for the walls (maybe painting the outside to avoid blinding your neighbors). Very light, reasonably rigid, good insulation.
(If I had a fish hut there'd be no hole bored, just a small heater, a comfortable seat, and a good light for reading. Maybe a radio.)
(Oh, and lakes do come with wireless internet now, don't they?)
Just try not to build one in a garage, drinking beer, with your buddies. Only to realize you can't tip it down to get it out, or fit it thru the door upright..(Don't ask!!!)
Been there, done that. Built covered motorcycle trailer in the garage over winter. (many winters ago) Racing season started and time to get trailer out. Oops. Fenders, wheels and spindles had to come off. Took half a day and another 12 pack. Oh well.
Russell, Allegan Michigan
"Welcome to My World"
I knew a guy who built most of a plane in his barn.Now an old new england timber frame barn does not have removeable structural components.
Last I heard, the plane was still gathering dust while he awaits a revelation how to get it out.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
The Hjemkomst was built in a potato barn, and they had to take out the end wall to get it out.
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
please think thru things a little more.. I have to put up with Ice fishermen on my lake and while the majority are real fine people there are some real slobs out there.. To them it's just being at the lake, to the rest of us it's our front yard..
In our front yard we've seen people step out and pizz and ship. We've had people toss the fish they catch out on the ice and then forget them and let them rot, they toss minnows out as well and they too eventually rot.. beer cans are tossed around as well as other trash. Time comes to remove the ice house from the lake and it's frozen in , so they tear off the top and the bottom flaots ashore to be disposed of by home owners.
So please.. figure out what you intend to do about body fluids. trash and such..
also please respect the time clock.. you may want to party but that noise may keep lakeshore home owners awake.
Like I said the majority are decent and respectful make sure you police yourself and those around you.. It ruins everybodies good time if the sheriff is called..
Sounds like your states DNR needs to get their act together.
I have been to his area and fished there alot, 50 minutes away. And the lakes are in prestine condition. I don't think I've seen a cigarette butt on any lakes up there. At least the ones I've been to.
Don't tell any more of the people on your side of the lake about the area either, the ones I have encountered there are really lacking in manners and fishing ettiquette. Woods favorite carpenter
FKA- Stilletto
How does the DNR patrol a lake this size with the population density of a major city right next door.. The policy has been to do a general patrol and respond as compaints are made.. I realize I should have complained when I saw people voiding their body fluids in plane sight of my daughters. I'm not that sort of guy, I would rather politely speak to those who can't behave and explain the consequenses rather than simply call the cops on them..
Maybe I shouldn't be a nice guy and just call the cops as some are inclinded to.
The DNR is aware that there is a problem with ice house floors freezing to to the lake and are beginning to make note of which houses are where based on GPS positioning just prior to the late removal date.
I think being a nice guy is the way to go in alot of matters, but acts like you are talking about is a matter for the authoritys.
If your lake is that large there should be a DNR station close to it. Use it, you pay for it and all the other citizens that buy tags pay for it.
I think around here all the parts of the shanty has to be labeled with the owners ID. And I am not sure if shantys can be left overnight or not. Woods favorite carpenter
FKA- Stilletto
Matt Swanger,,
Ice houses can be left from whenever the lake frezzes solid enough to hold them untill untill the end of febuary.
Some of our houses are rather elegent structures worthy of note in them selves..
Our houses must have a data plate on them a basic list of the owner and his phone number.. , freeze the base into the lake and the top is removed, snow kicked over the base and the DNR doesn't see that the owners has done what he's done. However with GPS plotting like they are now doing they have a way to determine who the previous owner is.
When I lived in MN, a friend and I built one using steel studs and we made it for towing behind a truck but made the wheels to fold up inside the fishhouse when it was lowered onto the ice. We welded a pivoting assembly linkage of our own design into the floor framing and it was operated by a type of hand jacking mechanism. Pretty cool it worked well.