I am looking at building a home using a home package from President Homes. Has anyone worked with President Homes before? Their package looks pretty complete, my main concern is finding sub’s to do the foundation/basement and the framing. Does anyone have ballpark estimates for foundation/framing work, I am building in central Iowa? I have a lot of experience as a homeowner/remodeler & I have an established part-time business building repro-antique furniture and cabinets, so the interior work is not a concern. Speeding up the timeline by having the foundation done, and the house framed in and ready to install doors/windows/siding is my main goal.
Indian Creek Woodworks.
I do not know anything about President Homes. Searched the web and found this http://www.presidenthomes.com which tells me nothing. If you have a plan I recommend you take it to a couple of reputable building supplers in your area and get bids. They will also be able to give you recommendations for the various subs you will need. They will also know the current rates for framing and other work in your area. You may find that working with local folks will save you money.